[Live-demo] Mysteries of PostGIS .jar

maplabs at light42.com maplabs at light42.com
Sun Jul 13 22:50:00 PDT 2014

Hi Baris -
  please note that OSGeo-Live a3 is available, and approaching the 
complete set of packages / versions (see below). A very simple README 
with a link to an example Java program might be a way to get started.. 
I can commit the files.  Also, I updated ticket 1310 with some info on 
postgis jar that is apparently installed via two packages... 

>> .. there is even another jdbc_jtsparser.jar provided to make use  of 
>> JTS spatial objects with Postgis Database. When you refer to README  
>> are u talking about a README file that describes how to checkout 
>> from  svn tag and build jdbc jars out of it. Please let me know the 
>> purpose of  the README file and I write it for u. 

  hmm The purpose of OSGeo-Live is to demonstrate stable software to 
potential users, and potential developers. A simple demonstration 
program showing the use of PostGIS .jar would do that. If a sample 
program does not exist, even a simple text description of how it might 
be actually applied would be helpful too.. as mentioned, I have never 
seen any app that uses the PostGIS .jar myself, so most any attention 
to this would be an improvement. 

I can tell you my larger intention, and perhaps you can reflect how you 
see to best accomplish it might be..  I want to make sure that 
advances in geospatial java - like the PostGIS java interface to start 
- are reflected on OSGeo-Live.  In the distributed processing world, 
Java is being used very well to implement processing nodes, and some 
companies and projects are starting to claim geospatial capabilities. 


and the announcement described here:


  OSGeo-Live dev URLs:
Bug List http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/report/10
IRC Logs - http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeolive
SVN Repository -  https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk

On Mon, 23 Jun 2014 10:25:08  0300, Baris Ergun 
<barisergun75 at gmail.com> wrote:

 "*if* the PostGIS .jar as supllied by current repositories, is in 
shape to be relied upon, an example or text README specific to the 
PostGIS .jar would be welcome."

Yes it is. There is even another jdbc_jtsparser.jar provided to make 
use of JTS spatial objects with Postgis Database. When you refer to 
README are u talking about a README file that describes how to checkout 
from svn tag and build jdbc jars out of it. Please let me know the 
purpose of the README file and I write it for u. 



On 23 June 2014 07:08,  <maplabs at light42.com> wrote:

To PostGIS Java maintainers/users :

  The OSGeo-Live [1] is in alpha for version 8.0. We have not only 
featured PostGIS from the inception of the disk, but also provide 
common sample databases for applications to refer to in Documentation 
and Quickstart Examples [2]. To date, however, no project on the disk 
has used the PostGIS java interfaces (to my knowledge). 

  *if* the PostGIS .jar as supllied by current repositories, is in 
shape to be relied upon, an example or text README specific to the 
PostGIS .jar would be welcome. 

  In any case, please consider a visit the OSGeo-Live project, by 
mailing list or IRC [3] to comment on this outstanding ticket:



[1]  http://live.osgeo.org

[2]  http://live.osgeo.org/en/overview/overview.html
[3]  freenode IRC  #osgeolive    

  thanks very much and here's to yet another excellent OSGeo-Live 
release, for FOSS4G-NA 2014
  best regards from Berkeley, California

Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter

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