[Live-demo] [OSGeo] #1256: python liblas error

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sun Mar 2 14:49:18 PST 2014

On 03/02/2014 11:38 PM, OSGeo wrote:
> Comment:
>  the error is:
>   OSError: liblas_c.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
>  directory
>  /usr/lib/liblas_c.so.2.2.0 exists, it's easy to just add the missing
>  symlink.
>  hopefully worked-around in r11304.
>  The actual symlink is provided by the liblas-c-dev .deb package, but we
>  don't install that. (it wants to bring in another 33mb (compressed) of
>  other packages)
>  Hamish

The libLAS package in Debian unstable was fixed with the upload of
liblas 1.7.0+dfsg-3. The SONAME fix is in git at:


I suggest you rebuild the binary package using the latest source from
the Debian GIS git repository.

Upload the recent changes to Debian unstable will result in FTBFS until
#739807 affecting the boost package is fixed. I'm waiting for boost to
get fixed before preparing a new build for Debian.


Kind Regards,


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