[Live-demo] Problem with spatialite-gui

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sat Nov 22 08:58:08 PST 2014

On 11/22/2014 04:07 PM, Micha Silver wrote:
> There is a serious bug somewhere between spatialite-gui and the new wxgtk-3.0. 
> This has rendered spatialite-gui nearly unusable. It crashes any time you try to 
> load a shapefile; typing into the sql window is sporadic and unreliable. In 
> short - a "show stopper". This has been discussed pretty thoroughly a month ago 
> on the spatialite-users maillist:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/spatialite-users/p0AfZ23u-yY

I guess that is Debian Bug #761629:


This was fixed in spatialite-gui/1.7.1-5:


The spatialite-gui in the UbuntuGIS and OSGeo Live PPAs claims to be a
rebuild of this revision of the debian package, but it is actually just
a rebuild of spatialite-gui/1.7.1-4 which does not contain the bug fix:


Rebuilding the spatialite-gui/1.7.1-5 from the Debian GIS git repository
for OSGeo Live updating it to version 1.7.1-5~trusty2 should fix the issue.



Kind Regards,


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