[Live-demo] Retire MapTiler from OSGeo-Live
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Feb 6 14:47:04 PST 2015
Le vendredi 06 février 2015 23:06:37, Cameron Shorter a écrit :
> Hi Angelos, Hamish and others,
> I'm +1 for removal of MapTiler from OSGeo-Live based on:
> 1. Request from the project owner to be removed
> 2. No change to released version of MapTiler to osgeolive since
> osgeolive 3.0 (5 years ago)
> 3. As far as I can see, it looks like maptiler has moved to a pay for
> service business model: http://www.maptiler.com/pricing/
> However, I'd welcome input from others and happy to be convinced otherwise.
My 2 cents:
Looking at the install script in
https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/blob/master/bin/install_maptiler.sh , I can
see that the package should be downloaded from
But this is now a dead URL. I have not tested recent builds of OSGeo-Live so
it perhaps works through other means, but this isn't really encouraging at
first sight... (but you've at least the package on previous releases of the
Live DVD)
I've been able to find an unofficial mirror with sources at :
Regarding GSoC, gdal2tiles.py was, for sure, developped as a SOC project and
is hosted by GDAL, not sure about the gui of maptiler. But maptiler has a
forked version of gdal2tiles.py with new features and bug fixes (that should
ideally be retrofitted into GDAL's gdal2tiles.py if someone wants to take on
maintenance of it). Hamish actually opened/edited tickets in GDAL trac with
stuff coming from Maptiler's gdal2tiles.py
Looking at http://live.osgeo.org/en/overview/maptiler_overview.html, there are
3 URLS :
- http://www.maptiler.org/ --> now redirected to http://www.maptiler.com/
- http://groups.google.com/group/maptiler -> ok, forum still there
- http://www.maptiler.com/ --> commercial support. No way of finding open
source code on that site.
So no link to the sources (but the sources must be somehow in the installed
package as it is Python). But a bit disturbing for *OS*Geo live to not being
able to point to a site with source code.
> On 7/02/2015 8:52 am, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> > Hi Cameron,
> >
> > There was a discussion about this some versions back.
> > We had suggested to remove MapTiler back then for the same reasons too.
> > The situation is a bit more complex AFAIK: I think it was Hamish who
> > reported that the original MapTiler application was developed under
> > OSGeo Google Summer of Code and as such we should try to keep the open
> > source version alive.
> >
> > I am -0 to remove it, until we consult Hamish or someone involved in
> > GSoC regarding the copyrights of the results.
> >
> > Best,
> > Angelos
> On 7/02/2015 8:22 am, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> > On 7/02/2015 7:24 am, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> >> I've had a request from the MapTiler project to have it removed from
> >> OSGeo-Live.
> >>
> >> I've raised a ticket:
> >> https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/1467
> >>
> >> I'll look after updating the docs.
> >
> > Docs updated.
> > Angelos, I'll let you comment MapTiler out of the main.sh script.
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