[Live-demo] Retire MapTiler from OSGeo-Live
Even Rouault
even.rouault at spatialys.com
Sat Feb 7 01:50:26 PST 2015
Le samedi 07 février 2015 02:13:10, Angelos Tzotsos a écrit :
> Hi Even,
> On 02/07/2015 12:47 AM, Even Rouault wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > My 2 cents:
> >
> > Looking at the install script in
> > https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/blob/master/bin/install_maptiler.sh ,
> > I can see that the package should be downloaded from
> > http://maptiler.googlecode.com/files/maptiler_1.0.beta2_all.deb
> > But this is now a dead URL.
> This file was present for the 8.5beta1 build, so it was removed the last
> couple of days.
> > I have not tested recent builds of OSGeo-Live so
> > it perhaps works through other means, but this isn't really encouraging
> > at first sight... (but you've at least the package on previous releases
> > of the Live DVD)
> The package has been restored in our download area:
> http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/data/maptiler/maptiler_1.0.beta2_all.deb
> > I've been able to find an unofficial mirror with sources at :
> > https://github.com/calvinchengx/maptiler
> >
> > Regarding GSoC, gdal2tiles.py was, for sure, developped as a SOC project
> > and is hosted by GDAL, not sure about the gui of maptiler.
> Do we know who was the GSoC mentor, so we can find out more details
> about the gui?
According to https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/SoCProjects, this was Howard
Butler. I'm CC'ing him so he can provide some input.
I found this old message from Petr ( http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-
dev/2008-August/018032.html ) which could suggest that the GUI developement
was started at the time of GSoc (18 august 2008).
Looking at history in
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/log/trunk/gdal/swig/python/scripts/gdal2tiles.py ,
it seems to confirm Howard was the mentor.
Interestingly commit
that was the update from the version of GSoc 2007 with the version of GSoc
2008 make appear references to maptiler.org and also support from BRGM. So it
is not really clear which funding supported the development of the GUI...
Probably a mix.
> > But maptiler has a
> > forked version of gdal2tiles.py with new features and bug fixes (that
> > should ideally be retrofitted into GDAL's gdal2tiles.py if someone wants
> > to take on maintenance of it).
> Is this forked version of gdal2tiles.py available somewhere now?
Just in the .deb ;-) Installed in
Also here :
(unfortunately there's no history as this was a single shot import...)
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