[Live-demo] Live 9.5 desktop image candidate

Jim Klassen jklassen at sharedgeo.org
Wed Feb 17 11:36:19 PST 2016

This should probably be its own thread, but just to add some

The no networking issue generally occurs when people boot the USB on
their computer (not in a VM) and they are expecting to use WiFi and
either the WiFi drivers aren't available or they don't realize they need
to select and authenticate to a network. 

Note: Wired networks could theoretically have the similar issued but in
practice tend to just work (or just don't get used as often).

On 02/17/2016 10:33 AM, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> It seems you experience a problem with the network configuration.
> By default the live system network works fine for me behind a DHCP
> server.
> I think we could add some more details about how to configure
> networking in our installation documents in case someone else faces
> the same issue as you do.
> I am not sure though about a popup. We already have a popup with
> generic info to the user about where to get help and password file
> location.
> Best,
> Angelos
> On 02/15/2016 07:18 PM, Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) wrote:
>> All,
>> So, we’ve been handing out Live OSgeo thumb drives for a couple of
>> years now, and we’ve put a bit of work into explaining how to get up
>> and running with it to new users.  We hand out a getting started card
>> for example.
>> One item that we wanted to run past the list for, is an addition to
>> the VM start screen. The idea is to  add a Network checking process
>> to the interface, something that pops up a dialog to explain that
>> there is no network configured.
>> Most people who have experience with setting up computers know to
>> check something like this, even in a VM, but your average new user of
>> a VM, doesn’t know by default that they also need to configure the
>> network for the VM after is starts.
>> Thoughts?
>>> On Feb 13, 2016, at 11:48 PM, Cameron Shorter
>>> <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Brian,
>>> You've created another great image. I love it. I like the use of
>>> stars, and wonder how it would look if you would change the green
>>> logo to a translucent white shadow, probably also make the
>>> "OSGeo-Live 9.5" text more transparent too. Or maybe even make the
>>> stars cluster into the OSGeo logo design.
>>> Thanks, Cameron
>>> On 14/02/2016 7:51 am, Brian M Hamlin wrote:
>>>> Hi List -
>>>>    candidate desktop image here:
>>>>      http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd/9.5/desktop95_F.png
>>>> (F means "flat" not final .. feedback welcome)
>>>> -- 
>>>> Brian M Hamlin
>>>> OSGeo California Chapter
>>>> blog.light42.com
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>>> Cameron Shorter,
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