[Live-demo] Submit new project - NASA WorldWind

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 03:29:18 PST 2016

I'll rephase "requirement" to "/strongly request/ the version of World 
Wind Web installed on OSGeo-Live be allocated a version number", for the 
reasons listed below.
Gabriele, do you think this is achievable?

I think I'm safe in saying that using version numbers is in line with 
best practice software engineering, and one of the indications of 
project maturity we wish to encourage.

Cheers, Cameron

> On 9/01/2016 9:30 am, Brian M Hamlin wrote:
>> +1 kalxas
>> On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 13:09:24 +0200, Angelos Tzotsos 
>> <gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com> wrote:
>>     Hi Cameron,
>>     Given that we include at least another project that uses "trunk"
>>     (for many years now) and not a released version, we cannot make
>>     this a hard requirement in my opinion
>>     Best,
>>     Angelos
>>     On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 7:52 AM, Cameron Shorter
>>     <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>>         Hi Gabriele,
>>         Thanks for offering to help with reducing packaging size.
>>         That will be helpful.
>>         I also think it would be very valuable for the version of the
>>         World Wind Web to be installed on OSGeo-Live to be allocated
>>         a version number. There are many reasons for this, including:
>>         1. People will be able to determine if the version of World
>>         Wind Web they are looking at is the latest version.
>>         2. People will be able to determine if they should upgrade to
>>         a more recent version (because they are looking at an older
>>         version)
>>         3. Developers and users will be able to align feature lists
>>         and bug reports with specific version numbers, which will
>>         help users determine whether to upgrade
>>         I think that defining a package version number should be a
>>         prerequisite for including the package on OSGeo-Live. The
>>         version number could be called "beta" so long as it is
>>         considered "stable" by the developer and user community.
>>         Warm regards, Cameron

Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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