[Live-demo] Postgis questions

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Sat Jan 23 12:23:43 PST 2016

All drivers are disabled by default as a security precaution.


However if you are running PostgreSQL 9.4 or above, you should be able to set these with ALTER SYSTEM, which is cross-platform way of doing it.


The link that Brian provided does have an example of ALTER SYSTEM - http://postgis.net/docs/postgis_gdal_enabled_drivers.html


So if  you run the below in psql or pgAdmin, you should be able to access all drivers permanently (since ALTER SYSTEM settings get stored in postgresql.auto.conf that gets loaded on each postgresq server startup)


ALTER SYSTEM SET postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers TO 'ENABLE_ALL';

SELECT pg_reload_conf();


Then you can confirm it works by running this query:





Hope that helps,




From: Live-demo [mailto:live-demo-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Brian M Hamlin
Sent: Saturday, January 23, 2016 2:02 PM
To: live-demo at lists.osgeo.org; Pieter du Plooy <pjduplooy at zpanelcp.com>
Subject: Re: [Live-demo] Postgis questions


Hi Pieter --


  oh, ok.. thats new to me..

  according to the PostGIS docs page..



  those variables can be set at all levels..

  cluster-wide -> postgresql.conf

  database-persistant ->  ALTER DATABASE ...

  database-temp, psql session temp  ->  set ....


also apparently SHELL with bash-style environment vars, as in .bashrc


I would think that all gdal drivers would be enabled by default, and that really you

need  raster out_db set...  so I look here



make sense ?


On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 19:51:42 +0200, Pieter du Plooy <pjduplooy at zpanelcp.com <mailto:pjduplooy at zpanelcp.com> > wrote:

Hi Brian

Thx for the info, but what I really need is where to 

postgis.gdal_enabled_drivers = 'ENABLE_ALL'
and postgis.enable_outdb_rasters=1
in Ubuntu 14.04, and system wide
I did it previously in my .bashrc, but for some reason its not
working now.


On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 6:58 PM, Brian M Hamlin <maplabs at light42.com <mailto:maplabs at light42.com> > wrote:

Hi Pieter --


  I have an a2 build running in a VM.


user at live95a:~$ locate raster.tif        <= there is an example file for a QGis plugin called this

user at live95a:~$ gdalinfo /path/to/raster.tif

   hmm non-trivial .. open qgis to let qgis do the work

   qgis shows the projection is EPSG:32633


user at live95a:~$  createdb raster_test

user at live95a:~$ psql -c 'create extension postgis' raster_test

user at live95a:~$ psql -c 'select postgis_full_version()' raster_test

    yes, RASTER is enabled

    use raster2pgsql to load a raster, as per PostGIS raster manual


user at live95a:~$ raster2pgsql -s 32633 -I -C /path/to/raster.tif  raster_test | less

    inspect output, yes looks valid


user at live95a:~$ raster2pgsql -s 32633 -I -C /path/to/raster.tif  raster_test | psql raster_test

user at live95a:~$ psql -c '\d raster_test'

    note rid, rast columns.. lots of other detail

    better command line would name the tables, split into tiles, etc...


  hth --Brian


On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 16:45:50 +0200, Pieter du Plooy <pjduplooy at zpanelcp.com <mailto:pjduplooy at zpanelcp.com> > wrote:

I am struggling to enable postgis gdal drivers and outdb rasters on Ubuntu (using postgis from the osgeolive nightly, so its for trusty.

How do I go about enabling them in Ubuntu Trusty?

I have tried setting it in .profile, as well as .bashrc systemwide etc..., but no luck.

Any help?




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Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter
blog.light42.com <http://blog.light42.com> 



Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter


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