[Live-demo] draft press release about descoping OSGeo-Live

Vicky Vergara vicky at georepublic.de
Wed Apr 12 21:29:54 PDT 2017

​Hello all.

Read the link and it was when I first found out about http://www.openhub.net​
and of course I went to see what was said about pgRouting.
Daniel, who was the other manager, had completely forgotten about
openhub.net,  So many things are out of date. I am now a "manager" for
keeping it up to date.

>From my point of view, I found it useful, I could "claim" my contributions
that were under different names, I could send a mail to other contributors
to claim their contributions.
The analysis it has shows changes in "master" branch of the repository, so
no changes will show while there is no new release. I will try to figure
out how to reflect the current activity that takes place. (not going to be
easy, We do the work on personal forks and only put in the main repository
when a release is going to be done)

Different projects might work differently and put in master branch the
current activity. I went to see some OSGeo projects that we use development
like postGIS and the activity is the current activity that is not being
released yet.

I was curious for example about osmosis that has no recent development,
that the activity is not available, so maybe it has broken links.
Also, I went to read about Qgis and only had 188 users!!! now has 189 users
including me, I use it as a developing aide for pgRouting. But 21.8 K
people are following them in tweeter. so maybe there are 21.8K users and
not 189.

So, I think this is a great tool, as long as the project's managers keep it
up to date, but we are forget (like Daniel), or  don't even know that tool
exists, like me, and I've being doing pgRouting since 2013, and being the
main developer since 2015.

I think it would be useful to send a reminder to all members of the
developers community to update the information, links etc. at least once a



On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 6:25 AM, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

> As per our last meeting, I've created a draft press release about
> descoping OSGeo-Live.
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_75
> Review comments are welcome
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> M +61 419 142 254
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Vicky Vergara
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