[Live-demo] draft press release about descoping OSGeo-Live

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Apr 13 13:05:20 PDT 2017

Thanks Vicky, Micha, Pirmin,

This is really good feedback.

I've introduction text to:

"For our next OSGeo-Live release, 11.0, we propose to reduce the number 
of packages included, and only support a 64 bit distribution, (32 bit 
will be built but not tested or officially supported)."

Regarding OpenHub metrics, I'm very aware that it has many 
imperfections. However, as far as I'm aware, it is the best available, 
and hence we reference it from OSGeo-Live.

While projects should rightly be concerned if OSGeo-Live only uses 
OpenHub metrics to assess project health, they should be significantly 
more concerned about the general public's assessment of their project.

I think it should be a priority of all projects to try an ensure their 
OpenHub metrics reflect the true health of their project as new users 
can, do, and should make use such metrics as part of their due diligence 
of project selection.

Warm regard, Cameron

On 13/4/17 5:45 pm, Micha Silver wrote:
> On 04/13/2017 09:31 AM, Pirmin Kalberer wrote:
>> Hi Cameron,
>> Am Mittwoch, 12. April 2017, 21.25:27 schrieb Cameron Shorter:
>>> As per our last meeting, I've created a draft press release about
>>> descoping OSGeo-Live.
>>> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc_Press_Release_75
>>> Review comments are welcome
>> For non-native speakers like me, an earlier hint what the euphemism
>> "descoping" is standing for, would be very helpful.
> Two comments:
> Even with English as my mother tongue, I had to think twice about what 
> phrase referred to. Why not just say outright: "removing some projects".
> Regarding the list of considerations to assess projects, we need to 
> keep in mind that some projects, spatialite for example, use version 
> control systems that are not "Openhub-friendly". So they are sorely 
> under-represented on Openhub.
> Best,
> Micha
>> Regards
>> Pirmin
> -- 
> Micha Silver
> cell: +972-523-665918
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Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254

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