[Live-demo] [Workshops] FOSS4G 2017 Call for Workshop Proposals - OSGeo-Live
Cameron Shorter
cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 11:25:05 PST 2017
Hi Chris, Regina others,
I agree that we hopefully should be able to find people to help create
workshop material and then help present. We can reach out to our
OSGeo-Live community too.
With regards to getting OSGeo-Live working in the cloud, I think that
would be an excellent goal to work on. We did actually get OSGeo-Live
working on one of the early cloud platforms (called click2try which is
now out of business).
Would you like to share your ideas about setting up a remote desktop?
How are you proposing to set this up technically? What options do we
have to help debug? Is it something we can re-use beyond foss4g?
Is your foss4g committee meeting in person or virtual? If virtual, some
of the OSGeo-Live team might be able to join. Alternatively, you might
wish to join the OSGeo-Live weekly meeting, Monday 2:30pm in Boston:
Warm regards, Cameron
On 3/2/17 2:38 am, Chris Barnett wrote:
> Hi Cameron,
> We’ll be sure to discuss this at our workshop committee meeting this
> evening. My sense is that it is perfectly in line with our vision for
> workshops and that most likely we can find folks to fill in the very
> few gaps that Regina (who is on our committee) is not confident about.
> I’d also like to chat with someone from the OSGeo-Live community about
> OSGeo-Live resources. OSGeo-Live USB sticks will be available to
> workshop participants, but we’d also like to make cloud-based
> instances available via remote desktop. I’ve run into a couple of
> technical issues with this and think it would be very useful to draw
> on your collective knowledge and experience. What would be the
> best/most appropriate way to go about this?
> Thanks,
> Chris
>> On Jan 30, 2017, at 6:51 PM, Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us
>> <mailto:lr at pcorp.us>> wrote:
>> Cameron,
>> I'd be happy to help out with the PostGIS and free data sources, and
>> possibly QGIS and OpenLayers. Rest of the items I feel less
>> confident training on.
>> I do like the idea of a splash workshop like this, especially for
>> would-be trainers who are interested in using the OSGeo-Live as part
>> of their curriculum.
>> BTWhttp://www.bostongis.com/site was created by me. Sadly I've been
>> too busy as of late to keep it as up to date as I'd like.
>> Thanks,
>> Regina
>> *From:*Cameron Shorter [mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com]
>> *Sent:*Monday, January 30, 2017 5:46 PM
>> *To:*conference-workshops at lists.osgeo.org
>> <mailto:conference-workshops at lists.osgeo.org>; Regina Obe
>> <lr at pcorp.us <mailto:lr at pcorp.us>>; Chris Barnett
>> <chrissbarnett at gmail.com <mailto:chrissbarnett at gmail.com>>
>> *Cc:*live-demo <Live-demo at lists.osgeo.org
>> <mailto:Live-demo at lists.osgeo.org>>
>> *Subject:*Re: [Workshops] FOSS4G 2017 Call for Workshop Proposals -
>> OSGeo-Live
>> Hello FOSS4G Boston team,
>> In today's OSGeo-Live weekly meeting we discussed preparing an
>> OSGeo-Live workshop to be initially used for FOSS4G 2017, but which
>> would then be a useful resource for future OSGeo related training.
>> We'd like to open a discussion with FOSS4G organizers about the
>> creation, content, and presentation of this workshop.
>> Our OSGeo-Live community live all around the world, and many of us
>> who are interested in helping with content creation might/will not be
>> able to make the conference in order to present. So we would like to
>> like to put feelers out to determine if we can find some local people
>> to help out with the presentation.
>> It has been noticed that the BostonGIS community have done an
>> excellent job already in creating OSGeo tutorial material, available
>> at:http://www.bostongis.com/Who was involved in creating this
>> material? Would there be members of the BostonGIS or Boston FOSS4G
>> community interested in helping be part of an OSGeo-Live workshop team?
>> In creating and presenting material, I'm hopeful that we can draw
>> upon an OSGeo community leader (or 2) from each project included.
>> This should increase the value of the presentation and spread the
>> effort of creation. (On the downside, it would increase the number of
>> presenters in the room).
>> With regards to the structure of the OSGeo-Live workshop:
>> Target Audience:
>> * We suggest that the target audience should be new users to OSGeo.
>> There would be no prior assumed knowledge or technical expertise so
>> could be attended by a non-GIS techie, or a manager, or a sales
>> person. The aim would be to introduce attendees to the breadth of
>> Open Source GIS available, and get some hands on feeling for what
>> these applications look like.
>> Content:
>> * 4 hours won't be sufficient time to cover all 50 OSGeo-Live
>> projects in depth, so we will need to be selective. I'd expect we
>> would base the workshop on something similar to:
>> 0:00 - 0:10 Introduction
>> 0:10 - 0:20 Set up OSGeo-Live on everyone's laptop. (Instructors
>> walking around the room helping, possibly spilling into next
>> presentation)
>> 0:20 - 1:00 Overview of all 50 applications in OSGeo-Live, based on
>> OSGeo-Live presentation:http://live.osgeo.org/en/presentation/index.html
>> 1:00 - 3:30 Look at a subset of main applications in depth. About 20
>> to 30 mins for 6 to 8 applications. Base on existing Quickstarts.
>> Covering:
>> * Database setup (PostGIS?)
>> * Web Service setup (GeoServer? GeoNode?)
>> * Desktop use case (QGIS?)
>> * Browser application(s) (OpenLayers? Cesium?)
>> * Possibly also cover free data sources such as Open Street Map
>> 3:30 - 4:00 Buffer time for questions, delays, coffee break.
>> ---
>> So questions for the Boston team:
>> a. Is this concept in line with Boston's vision for workshops?
>> b. Is there anyone interested in getting involved in the above?
>> Warm regards,
>> Cameron
>> On 25/01/2017 9:15 AM, Chris Barnett wrote:
>>> Hello OSGeo community,
>>> The workshop subcommittee of the FOSS4G 2017 Boston LOC would like
>>> to announce that the call for workshop proposals is now officially
>>> open! We invite you to submit a proposal to teach a workshop. Here
>>> is a link to the workshop page of our website for the submission
>>> form and further details: http://2017.foss4g.org/workshops/
>>> For those of you who don’t yet know, FOSS4G 2017 will be held in
>>> Boston, MA, USA on August 14-19. Please visit the website for
>>> conference details : http://2017.foss4g.org/
>>> *_In brief:_*
>>> *Workshop info:*
>>> ·Workshops will be held on August 14th and 15th at the Harvard
>>> Center for Geographic Analysis (CGA) in Cambridge, MA
>>> ·Workshops are scheduled in 4 hour blocks, but a limited number of
>>> full-day (8 hr.) workshops will be considered
>>> ·Compensation for a 4 hour workshop is $650, which is the cost of an
>>> Early-Bird registration for FOSS4G
>>> ·Workshops will be BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for attendees.
>>> FOSS4G will provide bootable OSGeo Live USB sticks and remote
>>> desktop access to cloud-hosted machines.
>>> ·In the past, workshops have included topics related to the
>>> following, but the committee is open to other topics that are
>>> relevant to the FOSS4G community and will generate interest :
>>> oPostGIS
>>> oGeoServer
>>> oMapServer
>>> oWeb Mapping
>>> oGDAL/OGR CLI Tools
>>> opgRouting
>>> oUsing OSGeoLive
>>> oGeoPython
>>> oGvSig
>>> oAerial Mapping and Point Clouds/LIDAR/Photogrammetry
>>> oUsing open source GIS in a cloud environment
>>> *Important Dates:
>>> *Call for Workshops Closed: March 13, 2017
>>> Workshop Selections Announced: March 20, 2017
>>> Detailed Workshop Program: April 3, 2017
>>> Workshops Take Place at Harvard: August 14/15, 2017
>>> Feel free to contact me at chrissbarnett at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:chrissbarnett at gmail.com> with any questions that you may
>>> have, and stay tuned for the FOSS4G call for presentations, which
>>> will be opening shortly!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris Barnett
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Workshop subcommittee
>>> FOSS4G 2017 Boston LOC
>>> http://2017.foss4g.org/
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Sr. Geospatial Analyst, Tufts University
>>> Somerville, MA, USA
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>> --
>> Cameron Shorter
>> M +61 419 142 254
Cameron Shorter
M +61 419 142 254
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