[OSGeoLive] Press Release 83: OSGeo-Live 12.0 Released

Stefan Steiniger sstein at geo.uzh.ch
Tue Sep 11 09:56:42 PDT 2018

Hi all,

Yes, Jeffs text is really a nice addition.

However, I am just wondering for whom the highlights are? If its for the 
end-user (well.. its a "press release" ), then the second item on 
"Transifex" is not interesting at all. I would rather highlight the 
addition (or deletion?) of software (Vector Tile Servers?). And the 
update item could include a count, i.e. for X of Z software a new 
version was included.

Anyway: great work!
my 2 cents,

On 9/11/18 07:34, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> * Updated to Lubuntu 18.04 Long Term Support (LTS) release.
> * Adopted Transifex Translation tool, and made our documentation 
> generation process more efficient
> * Version updates to many of the included packages - see 
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/master/CHANGES.txt

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