[OSGeoLive] [SeasonOfDocs] OSGeoLive QGIS Quickstart draft

Andrew Jeffrey aljeffrey83 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 15:54:59 PDT 2019

Thanks, Cameron,

The quote that you referred to tells me that the quickstart is for new
"QGIS" users. In that case, we cannot afford to assume familiarity with any

So for the QGIS quickstart, going forward we have two options:

   1. Replace screenshots in the current quickstart, leaving the exercises
   2. Keep refining the draft we have been collectively editing to update
   the quickstart -

If we go with option 2, then we need to get consensus on what needs to be
included. I'm open to other opinions, but I believe for a new user core
functions are:

   - Opening the application
   - Opening/saving a project
   - Navigating
   - Adding layers
   - Styling layers

There is probably room for 1 or 2 (at the most) more topics, but we would
be pushing the 10-minute mark.

Thanks again everyone for taking the time.

Andrew Jeffrey

On Thu, Jul 4, 2019 at 5:34 AM Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com>

> The original goal we had for Quickstarts was defined as:
> *The Application Quick Start defines detailed steps, with screen shots,
> for a new user to run one of the application's core functions. It should be
> able to be run in 5 to 10 minutes. [1] *
> I can see that over time we probably have expanded the scope of the QGIS
> quickstart, as it is such a central component of GIS applications on
> OSGeoLive. I'm happy to back any of the suggestions so far, but would err
> on keeping focused and just on the QGIS features.
> Worth considering:
> * I'm expecting that from our next 14.0 release, we will start including
> extra tutorial/workshop material for OSGeoLive applications - as a spin off
> from Google SeasonOfDocs. So we can push more detailed concepts into these
> tutorials.
> * We have been discussing making using the OSGeoLive Quickstart material
> within QGIS documentation. I think this would be hugely valuable, and as
> such am keen to absorb feedback from Mateo and Ori and others on ways to
> facilitate this.
> [1] Old wiki:
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeoLive_AddProject#Application_Quick_Start
> On 4/7/19 5:21 am, Alex M wrote:
> Skipping the GRASS plugin makes sense it's not commonly used anymore
> (the plugin). I would keep the Processing toolbox, as most GRASS stuff
> can be done that way now. It's also the place where most computational
> methods exist.
> OSM is an interesting question, as with the other things, this is just
> to tie all the things on OSGeoLive together, and highlights a common
> interoperability question.
> Same goes for Postgis, which I think we'll have a fix for the connection
> issue.
> Thanks,
> Alex
> On 7/2/19 16:08, Andrew Jeffrey wrote:
> Hi Astrid,
> Thanks for taking the time to look at the document.
> Would it be accurate to make the assumption that the current QGIS
> quickstart contains the structure and content that the project wants? If
> that is the case I can proceed in just updating the screenshots and
> retaining the current text. For reference the current quickstart is here -https://live.osgeo.org/en/quickstart/qgis_quickstart.html
> Regarding the draft, I put together:
>    - I agree it is absolute beginner-focused, as I thought that was the
>    audience of OSGeolive. I can remove the basic content to address the
>    feedback now that I know it is assumed that the users are familiar with GIS
>    applications.
>    - I removed the PostGIS chapter because the connection details are not
>    configured in the OSGeoLive 13 image. I asked the OSGeoLive mailing list if
>    anyone was working on the issue and it doesn't appear that anyone is. We
>    could rework this chapter to have the user configure the connection
>    settings?
>    - I removed the GRASS plugin section because when I worked through that
>    section on the OSGeoLive 13 image the data wouldn't load as instructed.
>    I'll try it again and see how I go, but if someone else could also check
>    that workflow it would be great just to confirm or debunk my claim. Also,
>    something I found odd is that the GRASS section is the most detailed
>    section of the guide and it showcases more of the GRASS features rather
>    than QGIS features.
>    - I removed the Processing toolbox and OpenStreetMap section due to the
>    size of the document. These can be replaced.
> Thanks again for taking the time. I'll wait for your response before
> proceeding any further.
> Thanks
> Andrew
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 6:26 AM Astrid Emde (OSGeo) <astrid_emde at osgeo.org> <astrid_emde at osgeo.org>
> wrote:
> Hello Andrew,
> thanks for rewriting the QGIS documentation.
> It looks good.
> Is it usual to summarize at each chapter what you learned?
> in the document it says:
> Congratulations. You can now open QGIS and understand the components of
> the interface.
> You added some chapters at the beginning for absolute beginners. Maybe
> we often start and presume that people know more already.
> But still Maybe we can skip the welcome screenshot and text about it.
> Looks like the following chapters from the current documentation are
> missing in your new one. Do you still plan to work on them? I think they
> are a bit advanced and very interesting for non beginners:
> Connect to a PostGIS spatial database
> Using the GRASS Toolbox
> Using the Processing Toolbox
> Importing OpenStreetMap data
> What Next?
> it is missing - we recommend some ideas for the next steps
> As Cameron referred to our docu-template. That is how we did it till
> now. But we can improve the template with the ideas from Seasonof Docs
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc/master/doc/quickstart/udig_quickstart.rst
> Astrid
> Am 01.07.2019 13:30 schrieb Andrew Jeffrey:
> Hi,
> As mentioned last week on the Season of docs list one of the writing
> tasks that the QGIS group has identified is updating the OSGeoLive
> quickstart.
> I have finished the first draft of a quickstart for QGIS LTR 3.4 and I
> would be interested in feedback. At the moment the doc is read only,
> let me know if you would like to contribute and I will add you as an
> editor.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ba9H6gWjtPBKPVgX54KfIySHQp38i1SfNMD9TLF8s7Q/edit?usp=sharing
> [1]
> The current quickstart for 2.14 can be found here for comparisonhttps://live.osgeo.org/en/quickstart/qgis_quickstart.html [2]
> Any and all feedback is welcomed, I plan on going back and re-doing
> all the screenshots so that they are a consitent size and scale so
> don't be shy to suggest more, less, or completely new ones.
> I will leave the document up until Thursday 4th July 12:00pm UTC. We
> will then need to start on updating the RST files in the repo and
> submitting back to the project as I believe they have a deadline on
> 9th July.
> Thanks
> Andrew Jeffrey
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ba9H6gWjtPBKPVgX54KfIySHQp38i1SfNMD9TLF8s7Q/edit?usp=sharing
> [2] https://live.osgeo.org/en/quickstart/qgis_quickstart.html
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> Cameron Shorter
> Technology Demystifier
> Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant
> M +61 (0) 419 142 254
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