[OSGeoLive] Translator question: Which chinese language code shall we take for OSGeoLive? - please give feedback

Astrid Emde (OSGeo) astrid_emde at osgeo.org
Tue Jul 23 14:15:07 PDT 2019

Hello chinese spreaking community and OSGeoLive translators,

we have a question about the chinese translations we should provide for 
OSGeoLive .

At the moemnt we have
* zh_CN - Chinese (China)
* Chinese Simplified
* and there is a  language request for zh


Every language is much work. So it would be good to concentrate on one 
language (language code) for zh.

What do you think about that?
Which language code would you choose?

There was already work done by Bukun:

OSGeoLive Archive before we moved to transifex.


The work to do is to take the old translations or Bukuns translation and 
move them to transifex (sorry - manual work is needed)


Can you please give feedback


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