[OSGeoLive] OSGeoLive 13.0 - which version of gpsprune should be installed?

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sun May 19 03:42:36 PDT 2019


I will review the gpsprune packaging and report back.


On 5/19/19 12:45 PM, mail at activityworkshop.net wrote:
> Forwarding to list, maybe somebody here is interested in GpsPrune 
> status or can help with version information.
> Maybe I should have replied to the list in the first place, my 
> apologies if I misunderstood.
> Thanks,
> activityworkshop
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: OSGeoLive 13.0 - which version of gpsprune should be 
> installed?
> Date: 2019-05-11 17:23
> From: Activity Workshop <mail at activityworkshop.net>
> To: astroidex at gmail.com
> Hi again,
> I'm not sure if you received this email, maybe it got lost in the flood?
> Please let me know if everything is clear for you now regarding the 
> gpsprune
> packages.
> Thanks,
> activityworkshop
> On 01/05/2019 23:18, mail at activityworkshop.net wrote:
>> Hi, and thanks for your mail.
>> Unfortunately your list at
>>> https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/blob/master/CHANGES.txt
>> is out of date, it says that gpsprune 19.2 is included in the 
>> 13.0alpha1, but
>> after downloading, verifying, copying and booting this image, I find 
>> that
>> that's not accurate.
>> If you wanted to use gpsprune 19.2, you could do, but somebody would 
>> need to
>> do a backport of 19.2 for bionic, as currently it's only in disco.  I 
>> don't
>> know how much effort this would be, but I know that it wasn't 
>> possible for you
>> to backport version 19 for OSGEO12.
>> So it's up to you, either keep the version you have, or find a way to 
>> backport
>> 19.2.  Keeping what you have is for sure the easier option!
>> Also I notice that Java3d is not installed, there's no exiftool, and 
>> there's
>> no gnuplot.  So those functions of GpsPrune which rely on those other 
>> packages
>> won't be available.  I assume that was a deliberate choice, probably 
>> to save
>> space on the image?
>> Hope that helps, let me know if there are any other questions!
>> activityworkshop
>> On 2019-04-30 11:00, astroidex at gmail.com wrote:
>>> Hi activityworkshop,
>>> The OSGeoLive 13.0 build cycle has started and we already have a build.
>>> Please download alpha1 version and check your application/data [1]
>>> http://aiolos.survey.ntua.gr/gisvm/13.0/osgeolive-13.0alpha1-amd64.iso 
>>> (3.8 GB)
>>> http://osprey.ucdavis.edu/downloads/osgeo/gisvm/gisvm/13.0/osgeolive-13.0alpha1-amd64.iso 
>>> (3.8 GB)
>>> Many projects have already updated their software and are included in
>>> alpha1. Thank you.
>>> You can find a list of software versions at:
>>> https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/blob/master/CHANGES.txt
>>> If your project gpsprune is not available yet, please provide it by 25
>>> June 2019.
>>> * please change your installer at Github [2] or provide a package.
>>> Key Milestones - see schedule [4]
>>> 25-June-2019 OSGeoLive Feature Freeze (final application versions 
>>> installed)
>>> 09-Jul-2019 English Project Overviews & Quickstarts complete (commit
>>> your changes on github)
>>>   Note: our documentation translation has moved to Transifex [3]
>>> 16-Jul-2019 OSGeoLive RC stage (documentation release)
>>> 23-Jul-2019 Translations complete (translations are done in 
>>> Transifex)  [3]
>>> 30-Jul-2019 OSGeoLive Final ISO
>>> 26-Aug-2019 FOSS4G 2019 Bucharest, Romania [5]
>>> Any questions, please ask on the OSGeoLive mailing list [6] or  meet
>>> the osgeolive team on irc #osgeolive or contact me directly.
>>> Warm regards,
>>> Astrid Emde and the OSGeoLive Team
>>> [1]
>>> http://aiolos.survey.ntua.gr/gisvm/13.0/osgeolive-13.0alpha1-amd64.iso
>>> (3.8 GB)
>>> http://osprey.ucdavis.edu/downloads/osgeo/gisvm/gisvm/13.0/osgeolive-13.0alpha1-amd64.iso 
>>> [2] https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/wiki/Source_code
>>> [3] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeoLive#Translate
>>> [4] https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/wiki/Release%20Schedule
>>> [5] http://2019.foss4g.org/
>>> [6] https://live.osgeo.org/en/contact.html
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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