[OSGeoLive] QuickStarts - question about updating the version number

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 00:13:58 PST 2019

The intent of the version number was to specify the lastest version of 
OSGeoLive the Quickstart was written and tested against. Ideally this 
should be the latest version of OSGeoLive, but if the docs haven't been 
updated for a few releases, then this field should demonstrate that the 
doc is out of date (and hence should be reviewed, or the reader should 
expect possible errors.)

So your original feeling that you should set version number to 13.0 was 

Thinking about this, we probably should make this information visible in 
the published docs rather than it being hidden in comments.

On 19/11/19 9:31 am, Felicity Brand wrote:
> Hi Cameron and all,
> Seth G (geographika) and I have been chatting about the version number
> in the docs and I want to clarify it.
> At the top of each QuickStart we have a version number. We originally
> thought because we'd checked the doc against OSGeoLive 13.0 that we
> should update it to 13.0.
> We read the trac wiki guide that explains it, and now we think that we
> should leave it untouched because it's actually meant to state that
> the doc is valid from version x onwards.
> :Version: <OSGeoLive version from which this documentation is valid>
> And I wonder if it's actually a variable because the guide describes
> version as "Project's version defined into projects_info.csv"
> It's ambiguous to me. Can you please clarify?
> Thanks
> Felicity

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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