[OSGeoLive] Conclusion of Season of Docs

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Sat Nov 30 10:39:05 PST 2019

Thank you Felicity for everything you have given our OSGeoLive community 
during Google's Season of Docs. It has been much more than your writing 

* You have always been friendly, warm and supportive, even during the 
witching hour teleconference calls we asked you to join.
* You have touched so many of us. With each of the fifty-odd quickstarts 
you updated, you were introduced to a new bunch of people.
* You've stepped up and volunteered to help with whatever needed doing, 
be it big and challenging, or small and mundane.
* You went well beyond your Season of Docs mandate, both within the 
OSGeoLive project and additionally in TheGoodDocsProject. (Your initial 
proposal didn't account for all the community interaction you ended up 
* You've brought a fresh perspective to many of our conversations, often 
introducing innovative ideas. The OSGeo Lexicon Committee started with 
your suggestion.
* You balanced practical and sensible pragmatism with witty and playful 
humour. It made working with you fun rather instead of a chore.
* And you've managed to do all this while mothering, without missing a 
beat. I was impressed when you introduced your well-behaved toddler as 
she walked into one of our video conferences.

So on behalf of the OSGeoLive community, thank you.

On 30/11/19 1:13 pm, Felicity Brand wrote:
> Dear all,
> The Season of Docs program officially ended yesterday.
> Phew, what a ride! Thank you all for being so supportive and helpful.
> It has felt like an intense period of learning and doing - I'll be
> glad to have a rest.
> You can read my summary report:
> https://flicstar.com/2019/11/27/project-report-for-season-of-docs-2019/
> I have really enjoyed this opportunity to learn about open source,
> your community and geospatial software. I have also picked up skills
> in ReST, sphinx and taken my git to the next level.
> This is not goodbye from me. I will have a bit of a rest first (so
> might be offline for a few weeks).
> * There are 30 open pull requests for Quickstarts that I'm hoping you
> (and Cameron) can help me finalise.
> * There are also comments on some of the Quickstarts that I want to
> follow up in a bit more detail.
> * I discovered a doc issue in trac that I can probably address as well.
> I know that the Google Code-In program might be working with some of the
> Quickstarts, so that is an exciting opportunity to put some of them to the test.
> Thanks
> Felicity

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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