[OSGeoLive] First QuickStart review completed: GPSPrune

Felicity Brand felicitybrand at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 19:34:58 PDT 2019


I am excited to say that I have finally completed the first QuickStart
review as a proof of concept to test the process.

Activityworkshop, thank you for being the guinea pig.

I have created a PR on GitHub: https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive-doc/pull/515
And I have created its partner ticket in trac:

The action items for the document owner are in a comment on the Pull
Request. I had hoped to be able to comment on things in context, but
GitHub doesn't let you work that way, so all the review comments are
together and I have formatted them using markdown. I hope it is easy
enough to follow.

I'm not too sure about the next part of the process. Theoretically, my
PR doesn't need to get merged. Document owners will need to make the
edits and then have their own PR approved. @Cameron Shorter can you
think of a way this might work? @activityworkshop, please let me know
what the experience is like at your end.

Thank you

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