[OSGeoLive] #2311: Update Sphinx presentation plugin

OSGeoLive trac_osgeolive at osgeo.org
Tue Feb 2 13:19:45 PST 2021

#2311: Update Sphinx presentation plugin
 Reporter:  sethg          |      Owner:  osgeolive@…
     Type:  task           |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal         |  Milestone:
Component:  Documentation  |   Keywords:
 Currently the OSGeoLive docs generate a presentation based on revealJS
 using the plugin sphinxjp.themes.revealjs -

 This plugin has not been updated for a couple of years and only works on

 A newer plugin which should also generate a presentation can be found at
 https://github.com/attakei/sphinx-revealjs and works with Sphinx > 3.0.0.
 Updating OSGeoLive-docs to use this plugin will allow using more recent
 versions of Sphinx.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/ticket/2311>
OSGeoLive <https://live.osgeo.org/>
self-contained bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or Virtual Machine based on Lubuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything.

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