[OSGeoLive] OSGeoLive 14.0 status: rc1

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 08:52:29 PST 2021

Hi all,

The first release candidate of OSGeoLive 14.0 is now available!

Please download [1], [2], test your favorite application and report any 
issues found [3]. Change log available at [4].
In the following days we will make the VM version available for testing.

On behalf of the OSGeoLive team,

[2] http://aiolos.survey.ntua.gr/gisvm/14.0/osgeolive-14.0rc1-amd64.iso
[3] https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/report/10
[4] https://github.com/OSGeo/OSGeoLive/blob/master/CHANGES.txt#L4

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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