[OSGeoLive] Menu list
Vicky Vergara
vicky at georepublic.de
Thu Jan 19 13:41:52 PST 2023
Hi all
I've been working for a script to help fix all the :menuselection:
statements for the applications and to make it automatic.
[1] https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeolive/ticket/1382
The complete list has been attached.
Please someone can check it out (Especially with the vmdk) to see if I am
missing something.
How to use:
For example on grass's quickstart
#. Click on the GRASS link in the :menuselection:`Geospatial --> Desktop
GIS` menu.
Based on the attachement, It can be changed to
#. Click on :menuselection:`Geospatial --> Desktop GIS --> GRASS GIS 8`
My final intention, for the automatic part, is to place all those menu
selection statements on the epilog of the configuration file for example:
.. |menu_grass| replace:: :menuselection:`Geospatial --> Desktop GIS -->
So following the above example
#. Click on |menu_grass|
Yet again, for the automatic part, with the idea of in the future:
Have a github action that runs on demand (when requested, not on every
push), that extracts the menu selections list and makes a PR to the
documentation repository with the changes.
But for the current release, my plan is to prepare the file that is going
to be changed by that PR that is going to be included on the epilogue. and
if time allows do these changes
using the epilogue information:
#. Click on |menu_grass|
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:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> Cesium`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> GeoExt`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> GeoMoose 3`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> GeoNode --> Admin GeoNode`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> GeoNode --> Start GeoNode`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> GeoNode --> Stop GeoNode`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> GeoStyler`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> Leaflet`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> Mapbender`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Browser Clients --> OpenLayers`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Databases --> phpPgAdmin`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Databases --> Rasdaman --> Rasdaman-Earthlook Demo`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Databases --> Rasdaman --> Start Rasdaman Server`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Databases --> Rasdaman --> Stop Rasdaman Server`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Desktop GIS --> GRASS GIS 8`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Desktop GIS --> gvSIG desktop`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Desktop GIS --> OpenJUMP`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Desktop GIS --> QGIS Desktop`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Desktop GIS --> SAGA GIS`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Desktop GIS --> uDig`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Navigation and Maps --> GpsPrune`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Navigation and Maps --> Marble`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Navigation and Maps --> OpenCPN`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Navigation and Maps --> OpenStreetMap --> JOSM`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Navigation and Maps --> OpenStreetMap --> View OSM online`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Navigation and Maps --> XyGrib GRIB file viewer`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Spatial Tools --> Jupyter Notebook`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Spatial Tools --> Monteverdi`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Spatial Tools --> OTB Launcher`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Spatial Tools --> R Statistics`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> 52North --> Start 52NorthSOS`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> 52North --> Start 52NorthWPS`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> 52North --> Stop 52NorthSOS`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> 52North --> Stop 52NorthWPS`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> actinia --> Start Actinia`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> deegree --> Start deegree`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> deegree --> Stop deegree`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> EOxServer`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> ETF --> Start ETF`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> ETF --> Stop ETF`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> GeoNetwork --> Admin GeoNetwork`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> GeoNetwork --> Start GeoNetwork`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> GeoNetwork --> Stop GeoNetwork`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> GeoServer --> Admin GeoServer`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> GeoServer --> GeoServer documentation`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> GeoServer --> Start GeoServer`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> GeoServer --> Stop GeoServer`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> istSOS`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> MapCache`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> MapProxy --> MapProxy Introduction`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> MapProxy --> Start MapProxy`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> MapServer`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> ncWMS --> Start ncWMS2`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> ncWMS --> Stop ncWMS2`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> pycsw`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> pygeoapi --> pygeoapi Introduction`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> pygeoapi --> Start pygeoapi`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> PyWPS`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> QGIS Server`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> re3gistry --> Start INSPIRE Re3gistry`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> re3gistry --> Stop INSPIRE Re3gistry`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> T-Rex`
:menuselection:`Geospatial --> Web Services --> ZOO Project`
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