[OSGeoLive] Fwd: Adding QField to OSGeo-Live

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Sat Mar 11 06:58:23 PST 2023

Hi all,

I would like to propose the addition of QField as a new OSGeoLive app.

Below you find the information requested by

*What is its name?*

*What is the home page URL?*

*Which OSI approved Open Source Licence is used?*
GPLv2 or newer

*What does the application do and how does it add value to the GeoSpatial
stack of software?*
It's a mobile-friendly spatial data collection application based on QGIS
featuring a minimalist yet powerful user interface.

*Does the application make use of OGC standards? Which versions of the
standards? Client or server? You may wish to add comments about how
standards are used.*QField supports many OGC standards in many versions as
a client via QGIS providers and ogr/gdal. WMS, WFS, OGC API Features, GPKG,
probably more.

*What language is it written in?*
C++ and QML

*Which version of the application should be included in the next OSGeo-Live
release?*The latest stable release of the 2 series

QField has been deployed in many organizations in various areas and is in
use for years, for example:
- Forestry
- Geology
- Urbanism
- Railway
- Underground Infrastructure (Fibre, Water, Electricity)
- Public Services (Health, Police, ...)
- Biology
- GIS introduction courses

Currently, QField has more than 500'000 downloads on Android, and is also
available on Linux, iOS, macOS and Windows.

It has been developed since 2014 and has since seen a stream of commits by
various contributors. See https://www.openhub.net/p/QField for details.
It has furthermore triggered various improvements to QGIS as well
(functionality, bug fixes and paving for the move from QGIS 2 to 3). There
is a set of unit tests included in QField as well as a lively and reactive
issue tracker (on github).

The QField app has been presented at most FOSS4G's since Bonn.

QField will be able to run with 512 MB of memory (although it performs
better with more)
The disk space for a full package with all dependencies is between 60MB and
100MB. On OSGeo-Live it will (very likely) reuse the already installed QGIS
libraries, so it will be much less than this.
Windows and Mac installers are available and can be included or linked if

I and Mathieu Pellerin (aka nirvn) are happy to volunteer for the
maintenance of this application in OSGeo-Live.

We will be happy to follow up with project overview and quickstart pages as
well as installation scripts for the integration as soon as this
application has been approved for integration.

Thank you in advance for your considerations
On behalf of the QField dev team


Best of Swiss Enterprise App-Award for QField 
- Hold the power of QGIS in your hand - get it now <https://qfield.org/get>
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