[Oskari-user] Oskari 1.46.2
Mäkinen Sami (MML)
sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Thu Apr 26 06:40:37 PDT 2018
Hi everyone,
Another week, another hotfix :) Just got 1.46.2 out of the oven and available on GitHub, oskari.org download and Maven repository with these changes:
For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/milestone/11?closed=1
* publisher now remembers the original tool style and no longer resets to default style on exit
* fixed layer/group sorting issues on the hierarchical layerselector
* fixed a JS error on layer removal
* fixed an issue where adding imported datasets/userlayers to the map zoomed to the extent of the layer always. Now it just zooms on initial import and when clicking the layer on personaldata listing. This fixes an issue where embedded maps could start from the dataset extent instead of the original saved center point.
For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/milestone/10?closed=1
* Imported dataset/userlayer coverage/extent is now transformed properly for embedded maps. Fixes an issue where the layer was immediately hidden by the frontend on embedded map.
* Fixed an issue where layer/group sorting order wasn't saved properly on the hierarchical layer listing admin functions
* Added more detailed ordering information for layers as hierarchical layer listing. Layers and groups can now be sorted as a mixed set instead of subgroups always being before any layers in the group.
Best regards,
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