[Oskari-user] Oskari RPC and Firefox?
Ryyppö, Minna
minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi
Thu Nov 15 03:00:19 PST 2018
Has any of you faced this same problem with Firefox and Oskari RPC-client...? We use Oskari's embedded maps on a web page and those maps also use Oskari's RPC functionalities. Problem is that Firefox doesn't show embedded maps properly. Only white image can be seen with the text "Tietolähteet"
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D47CE3.2903EAD0]
Map is very simple - only a few layers and a very simple RPC function. (this is a test page and requires authentication so I'm not able to send a link, sorry)
IE, Chrome and Safari work fine.
Error message in Firefox's console says "Too much recursion" and it refers to script file rpc-client.min.js. Looks like this:
[cid:image004.jpg at 01D47CE3.2903EAD0]
I'd like to know whether anyone else has have the same problem, or is it just our application that causes this. And I wonder if anything else can be done than just use other browser...
Minna Ryyppö
Minna Ryyppö
Geoinformation Specialist
Archives and Information Services,
Knowledge Management
Finnish Heritage Agency
PL 913, 00101 Helsinki
p. 0295 33 6253
minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi<mailto:minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi>
Minna Ryyppö
Arkisto- ja tietopalvelut -osasto,
PL 913, 00101 Helsinki
p. 0295 33 6253
minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi<mailto:minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi>
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