[Oskari-user] Oskari RPC and Firefox?
Ryyppö, Minna
minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi
Thu Nov 15 04:34:15 PST 2018
Thanks for the answer! I'll send it to our developers so let's see if they will find out something. It might very well has something to do with the window size...
Lähettäjä: Mäkinen Sami (MML) [mailto:sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi]
Lähetetty: torstai 15. marraskuuta 2018 14.11
Vastaanottaja: Ryyppö, Minna <minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi>; oskari-user at lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: VS: Oskari RPC and Firefox?
Thanks for asking. I registered to your service and tried to reproduce this, but had mixed results. Tested with:
- chrome 70.0.3538.102
- firefox 63.0.1
and with a map having the background map and:
- without any tools (https://kartta.museoverkko.fi/?lang=fi&uuid=080a3ba6-56dd-49d5-9fb8-3fb9969715d3)
- with layer selection and measurement tools (https://kartta.museoverkko.fi/?lang=fi&uuid=716cbe5f-13ab-4594-ac8c-6ab8af08e947)
I couldn't reproduce this stacktrace on either but I know I've seen this error before in another context and there has been a fix for it in later Oskari versions. It has to do with how the toolbar size is calculated when the map is in "mobile mode" == using a mobile browser or in a small enough browser window.
What I did see is on chrome there's no layers opened on the embedded map, but on firefox everything looks as it should. So no Javascript error, but something definitely goes wrong. What's strange is there's no reference to the layer on chrome in the response coming from the server so its not a browser issue. On some more debugging it looks like you don't have the "view on embedded map" permission on the background map for logged in users. So if I'm logged in on the geoportal and look at the embedded map I don't see any layers, but if I log out -> the layers are shown on the embedded map.
Not sure if this helps since I couldn't reproduce this, but if you can link the embedded map in question directly I can see if it's reproducible on my browsers on that map. Which Firefox version are you using?
Lähettäjä: Oskari-user <oskari-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:oskari-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org>> käyttäjän puolestaRyyppö, Minna <minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi<mailto:minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi>>
Lähetetty: 15. marraskuuta 2018 13:00
Vastaanottaja: oskari-user at lists.osgeo.org<mailto:oskari-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Aihe: [Oskari-user] Oskari RPC and Firefox?
Has any of you faced this same problem with Firefox and Oskari RPC-client...? We use Oskari's embedded maps on a web page and those maps also use Oskari's RPC functionalities. Problem is that Firefox doesn't show embedded maps properly. Only white image can be seen with the text "Tietolähteet"
[cid:image001.jpg at 01D47CF0.47E237B0]
Map is very simple - only a few layers and a very simple RPC function. (this is a test page and requires authentication so I'm not able to send a link, sorry)
IE, Chrome and Safari work fine.
Error message in Firefox's console says "Too much recursion" and it refers to script file rpc-client.min.js. Looks like this:
[cid:image002.jpg at 01D47CF0.47E237B0]
I'd like to know whether anyone else has have the same problem, or is it just our application that causes this. And I wonder if anything else can be done than just use other browser...
Minna Ryyppö
Minna Ryyppö
Geoinformation Specialist
Archives and Information Services,
Knowledge Management
Finnish Heritage Agency
PL 913, 00101 Helsinki
p. 0295 33 6253
minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi<mailto:minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi>
Minna Ryyppö
Arkisto- ja tietopalvelut -osasto,
PL 913, 00101 Helsinki
p. 0295 33 6253
minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi<mailto:minna.ryyppo at museovirasto.fi>
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