[Oskari-user] Bug in Suomi.fi maps - embedded maps?
Sanna Jokela
sanna at gispo.fi
Fri Oct 26 02:59:27 PDT 2018
Sami, I'll answer your last questions separately, was just sending this :)
I'll add Samuli Vuorinen from Kela to this discussion, so this goes
straight to the source :) So...
Now it seems that the points are not totally overlapping as I first though.
Sorry for the confusion. For example check out Leppävaara in Espoo. If you
zoom out and see the cluster of 9 points in Espoo and zoom a little bit
further, there is two almost overlapping symbols in Leppävaara (key symbol
shown on top). Click the info and you get the info-pop-up from "Leppävaaran
palvelupiste". When you zoom in you notice that there are two points and
the symbol with the key (that is shown first) is not the Leppävaaran
palvelupiste but an other service (Leppävaaran asiointipiste). I added a
gif here to show what it does.
Is there something to do about this so that the first symbol would be
Kela-service symbol, not the Key-symbol... If you get what I mean...
On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 at 11:57, Sanna Jokela <sanna at gispo.fi> wrote:
> Apparently the clusters are usually multiple points at the same location.
> Nothing has changed since I asked. One problem location in Espoo. Image
> attached.
> [image: screencapture-kela-fi-palvelupisteen-haku-2018-10-26-09_23_08.png]
> One thing that I found out from this was, that the data is originally in
> json format and brought somehow to the Suomi.fi maps as only one layer.
> Similar issues were once in Paikkatietoikkuna when there were landuse plans
> containing group layers and the info-tool could drill into just to the
> first layer described in the WMS (now I can't test this since the info-tool
> does not work at all from the regional landuse plans... probably due to the
> source definitions). So could this be a issue more about how the layers are
> described in the interface and in which order? Can Oskari GetFeatureInfo
> drill into multiple layers from one interface?
> Br,
> Sanna
> On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 at 11:20, Mäkinen Sami (MML) <
> sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I don't know if this was changed between the message and now, but looks
>> like the points are clustered and clicking a cluster zooms in. So on a
>> quick test I couldn't reproduce the problem.
>> Sami
>> ------------------------------
>> *Lähettäjä:* Oskari-user <oskari-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> käyttäjän
>> puolestaSanna Jokela <sanna at gispo.fi>
>> *Lähetetty:* 25. lokakuuta 2018 17:52
>> *Vastaanottaja:* oskari-user at lists.osgeo.org
>> *Aihe:* [Oskari-user] Bug in Suomi.fi maps - embedded maps?
>> Hi!
>> Asking for a new friend :)
>> Suomi.fi maps has a possibility to create embedded maps and with Oskari
>> API you can request different things from e.g. your own datasources.
>> Is is due to the data source or the embedded maps or the website that the
>> info-pop-up shows only one result in those cases when there are multiple
>> points on top of each other?
>> Example here: https://www.kela.fi/palvelupisteen-haku ==> zoom out to
>> see objects with multiple points on top of each other (number is shown in
>> the vicinity of the symbol) and click on the symbol ==> only one result is
>> shown. Apparently it is also the one that is the lowest.
>> In this case the data is requested through API received from the Service
>> database in Finland.
>> If someone has time to check this at some point, it would be great! At
>> least to know which service to blame :)
>> BR,
>> --
>> Sanna Jokela
>> GIS specialist / Oskari communication coordinator
>> Gispo Ltd
>> +358 407664607
>> www.gispo.fi
>> https://community.oskari.org
> --
> Sanna Jokela
> GIS specialist / Oskari communication coordinator
> Gispo Ltd
> +358 407664607
> www.gispo.fi
> https://community.oskari.org
Sanna Jokela
GIS specialist / Oskari communication coordinator
Gispo Ltd
+358 407664607
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