[Oskari-user] Fwd: Developer Summit 25.9.2018, documentation improvement on the way
Sanna Jokela
sanna at gispo.fi
Wed Sep 5 22:28:27 PDT 2018
Hello all!
I'll forward the new Oskari newsletter to this list also. I hope some of
you can attend the Oskari Developer Summit at 25th of September in
Helsinki. We are also looking for a speaker to the beginning of the event.
If you know somebody who could volunteer to give a 15 min talk about future
web map technologies, I would be really grateful!
Also notice that documentation needs your help - give us a hint what should
be improved with Oskari documentation. The NLS-FI is doing some improvement
work this fall and hopefully oskari.org documentation will be more
up-to-date after this.
Br, Sanna
Future Oskari is being drafted at Oskari Developer Summit
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Opening up the development
They key to open software development is open communication and lively
community of developers, project owners and users - so all of us. In order
to keep the communication open, we are encouraging Oskari Community to
use Oskari mailing list for all communication
- may they be technical questions, event information or project news. All
the discussions are open and equally important!
Those who have gotten used to using Slack
don't worry, it can still be used for quick messaging. We will hopefully
start archiving the discussion history openly and automate the registration
so it will become more easy to join in. Until then please ask credentials
to the Oskari Slack channel from oskari at nls.fi.
Oskari PSC is crucial for open development. It now actively meets every
month to discuss new issues regarding Oskari's technological development.
All the memos are openly available here
We have also updated our community pages - take a look!
38 organisations are involved in Oskari network! Wohoo!
Join the Oskari Community
Hope you enjoy this info package on Oskari development!
*Sanna Jokela, Oskari communication coordinator Oskari Joint Development
Forum Finland*
Documentation in order
Oskari documentation has been - let's say - a bit lagging behind. We are
not proud of this, but now we have received resources to improving it! Last
year Oskari won the second prize in the cross-border category of the
European Commission's Sharing and Reuse Awards Contest 2017 and now this
money is going to good use!
Oskari Join Development Forum decided to use the opportunity and bring the
documentation up-to-date. The update will also be integrated with possible
oskari.org website renewal and this will hopefully get rid of the confusing
search-button from the Oskari.org pages (it does not work, don't try it).
Now we need to know what are the most crucial parts to document better -
please give us a few ideas and answer the query below!
Oskari Documentation Query
Oskari at Large
Take a look how Oskari is being used and why. A new blog post-series has
started! Oskari at large gives you insight about Oskari utilization within
our community member companies, NGOs and public sector organisations.
Oskari at large - part 1
Feedback service integration
Oskari can be used in multiple ways. The Finnish Transport Agency
(Liikennevirasto) has resently released a feedback service for roads
integrating Oskari with multiple other components and also utilizing
Open311 interface.
Read more about the feedback service
Use Embedded maps to create light weight maps
Embedded maps are convenient way to utilize available Oskari services if
you do not want to set up your own Oskari instance. Together with the
ability to add your own datasets or POI's, Oskari becomes a seriously
pontetial tool for light weight map making.
Embedded maps
Crowdfunding Oskari
First ever Oskari crowdfunding case is looking for your support! Gispo Ltd
and Sitowise Ltd are now searching crowdfunding for making users own layers
info-pop-up more editable
They are searching for resources to create Myplaceimport more user friendly
when handling the pop-up-info tool enabling to show images, define alias
names for fields etc.
Read more about crowdfunding Oskari
*Oskari Developer Summit*
*25.9.2018, Helsinki*
Come to draft the future Oskari roadmap together at 25th of September at
Helsinki. The first ever Oskari Developer Summit
brings together Oskari developers and project owners. We need a clear
understanding where Oskari is headed and when. So now is your change to be
part of it and make a stand. If you want to present your ideas on future
web map technologies, please contact us at info at oskari.org.
Sign in
*Mindtrek conference 10.-11.10.2018 Tampere, Finland*
Let's meet at Mindtrek Tampere in October at the Oskari booth and be open
Read more
*GIS Expo 5.-6.11.2018 Helsinki, Finland*
Joint Oskari development with Finnish Heritage Agency
& Lounaistieto
Come and meet us at the biggest Finnish GIS event of the year!
Read more
*Oskari meetups*
Want to invite Oskari people for a visit? We are arranging meetups every 2
months. Joint the group and suggest our next Oskari topic!
Join the meetup
Oskari community pages
*Do you want to get featured with your Oskari based service or know-how?
Contact info at oskari.org <info at oskari.org> and tell us more!*
[image: Twitter]
[image: Website]
[image: Email] <info at oskari.org>
[image: GitHub]
Sanna Jokela
Gispo Oy
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