[Oskari-user] Oskari & Ckan
Sanna Jokela
sanna at gispo.fi
Mon Sep 17 02:33:44 PDT 2018
Thanks Natalia!
I added the issue also to GitHub:
Tell me when you have the link in hand - I can come and test it with you if
needed :)
On Fri, 14 Sep 2018 at 15:42, Räikkönen Natalia <
natalia.raikkonen at varsinais-suomi.fi> wrote:
> Hi!
> thank you Sanna for the e-mail. The metadata-issue is very actual for
> Lounaistieto and, sure, we can provide our metadata interface links to
> test. But first I’ve to study this topic a bit more.
> I’ll back to this later, hopefully next week.
> Regards,
> *Natalia Räikkönen*
> *______________*
> GIS specialist
> Lounaistieto / Varsinais-Suomen liitto
> natalia.raikkonen at varsinais-suomi.fi
> Tel: 044 0411120
> [image: lounaistieto_logo_musta_pieni] <http://www.lounaistieto.fi/>
> [image: cid:image002.png at 01D44C23.8907E7B0]
> <https://data.lounaistieto.fi/fi/>
> *Lähettäjä:* Sanna Jokela <sanna at gispo.fi>
> *Lähetetty:* torstai 13. syyskuuta 2018 12.56
> *Vastaanottaja:* oskari-user at lists.osgeo.org
> *Kopio:* Räikkönen Natalia <natalia.raikkonen at varsinais-suomi.fi>;
> Arpalahti Jussi <jussi.arpalahti at hel.fi>; Tammisto Rina (STAT) <
> rina.tammisto at stat.fi>; Outi Hermans <outi.hermans at hel.fi>
> *Aihe:* Oskari & Ckan
> Hi!
> There has been a little bit of discussion on how Oskari and Ckan (open
> data catalog) could work better together. In Finland at least there are
> City of Tampere and Lounaistieto offering both these services. And
> GeoNetwork being a bit hard to understand for us normal people and not all
> metadata is going to the national metadata catalog in Finland, it might be
> convenient if CKAN based metadata could be linked with Oskari. Or what do
> you think?
> This card has been in Trello for a while and I'm willing to test this with
> somebody if you want:
> https://trello.com/c/7b5bDrWo/126-ckan-oskari-needs-more-information
> So the idea is to get a metadata interface from CKAN in CSW format - does
> anybody have this kind of link available from their dataportals?
> Then we should check how the metadata renderer in Oskari behaves with
> CKAN-based CSW. It might be a really easy thing, or then again not...
> These issues should be taken into account
> http://oskari.org/api/bundles#unreleased/mapping/metadatacatalogue
> http://docs.ckan.org/projects/ckanext-spatial/en/latest/csw.html
> Those of you who have CKAN, could you provide few metadata interface links
> in CSW format for this list to test? Natalia? Jussi?
> Thanks!
> Br,
> --
> Sanna Jokela
> paikkatietoasiantuntija
> Gispo Oy
> 0407664607
> www.gispo.fi
Sanna Jokela
Gispo Oy
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