[Oskari-user] Oskari release 1.52.0 and PSC meeting notes
Mäkinen Sami (MML)
sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Thu May 23 08:24:30 PDT 2019
Hi everyone,
Oskari release 1.52.0 is now available in GitHub, oskari.org download and the Maven repository. Most of the changes are related to creating a new integration system for WFS-based map layers and other technical changes. The new implementation is not enabled by default on this release but will be replacing the current "transport" based system in a future release. There's instructions how to enable it in the server migration guide (https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/blob/master/MigrationGuide.md) and there's an OIP that highlights the plans (https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-docs/issues/109). You might want to see if everything you have built on top of Oskari works with the new system or if there are issues with it on your instances when testing don't hesitate to tell us about it. Now's a good time for testing before being forced to migrate on the new platform :)
In addition to that we have some new React-based stuff in there that as a developer you might be interested in seeing. Do you think this is the way to go or if you think we are doing something terribly wrong from the start. There's also a new adapter for thematic maps for showing data from https://unstats.un.org/home/ which might seem a bit app-specific but it's something that we can use to demonstrate the thematic maps functionality in oskari.org (still need the region set layer for actually showing the data in oskari.org but it's coming).
We also had a PSC meeting last week as scheduled. Here's the notes https://oskariorg.github.io/psc/psc-memo/2019/04/09/PSC_May2019.html
Here are the release notes for 1.52.0:
For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/milestone/17?closed=1
* Styling for vector features has been improved. See new options in http://oskari.org/documentation/examples/oskari-style
* New bundle "language-selector" has been added. It requires an element with id "language-selector-root" where it renders itself. Allows the user to change between the supported languages of the Oskari instance.
* Added support to show localized variants of placenames on the geoportal search result listing
* Session timeout notification now allows user to extend the session
* Improved performance of the layer listing with long layer lists
* Improved performance of the feature data table when multiple features are selected
* Fixed issues with publisher when preview had open menus and user clicked "change location of components"
* Fixed an issue where publisher terms of use acceptance wasn't handled properly
* Fixed an issue in thematic maps where guest users couldn't view indicators they just added
* Fixed an issue in thematic maps where indicator data having 0 as value was handled as no data
* Fixed an issue on hierarchical layer-admin where some buttons were placed outside the UI on some screen resolutions
* Fixed an issue on hierarchical layer-admin where removing layer group or moving one to a new parent caused an error
* Fixed an issue on hierarchical layer-admin with changing layer style
* Fix for sprite generation tool for customizing icons on an Oskari instance
* Added French and Russian localizations
* Other small fixes and tuning
* ESLint rules tuned
* Library updates
Frontend changes for the new WFS-integration system:
* add "wfsvector" after mapwfs2 bundle import in main.js if you want to try the new backend (see oskari-server migration guide):
import 'oskari-loader!oskari-frontend/packages/mapping/ol3/mapwfs2/bundle.js';
import 'oskari-loader!oskari-frontend/packages/mapping/ol3/wfsvector/bundle.js';
Initial React-based UI changes (work in progress still):
* Thematic map legend has been rewritten and is now implemented with React components
* Added "Storybook" to improve developer experience on component development (https://storybook.js.org<https://storybook.js.org/>). Run "npm run storybook" to see how it looks.
* Added utils for React-based development to src/react (also has an alias "oskari-ui" for Webpack/imports)
* Initial React based UI-components added but still need work as they have some global styling that affect rest of the UI
* Added styled-components library to dependencies (current plan is to move away from SCSS start migrating towards styles-components)
* New implementation for React-based maplayer admin has been added to bundles/admin/admin-layereditor (the new UI components are under this bundle for now and the functionality is not finished yet)
For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/milestone/16?closed=1
* WMS-layers can now be printed with non-default styles
* CSV/Excel export of feature data now supports numeric data properly
* Login now redirects to the referrer page (page where the login was submitted from) instead of root page to allow views like embedded maps have login functionality.
* Fixed and issue with userlayer SLD to show correct line styles for polygons. Requires manual migration for transport based service to work properly (SLDs are not used by the new WFS-system).
* Fixed an issue where having 3rd party cookie support disabled might lead to embedded maps not starting properly
* Fixed an issue where the users default my places layer was shown without a name in embedded maps if it hadn't been renamed from the default
* Added initial support for thematic datasource UN stats (https://unstats.un.org/home/)
* Most of the database operations have been moved from Ibatis to Mybatis. The remaining ones will be migrated at a later date and any new ones should use Mybatis.
* Spring configurations/annotations are now scanned from org.oskari.* packages in addition to fi.nls.oskari.*
* Compilation of codebase is now tested with OpenJDK 8 & 11 and Oracle Java 11
* Removed support for double line style for features as it hasn't been implemented
* French localizations added
* Library updates
This is the first version including the new WFS-integration system:
* Due to replace the current "transport" webapp removing Jetty requirement as server software
* Reads in WFS 1.1.0 and WFS 3.0.0
* Outputs GeoJSON or Mapbox vector tiles (user selectable by admin to optimize for service content)
* My places, userlayers and analysis (user generated content) are supported by the new system
* Supports feature caching (and protects services with circuit breaker like transport)
* Configuration options added to enable custom tile grids to be used with MVT (Works for EPSG:3857 and EPSG:3067 out of the box)
* Doesn't support printing WFS-layers yet
* Doesn't support WFS 2.0.0 yet
* See migration guide for details how to test it out (not enabled by default on this release)
Best regards,
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