[Oskari-user] Oskari release 1.54

Mäkinen Sami (MML) sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Fri Nov 29 04:41:32 PST 2019

Hi everyone,

We just released Oskari 1.54.0! There's a bunch of improvements and changes as we have moved the 3D-mapmodule from an application specific repository to be part of Oskari-frontend and the new improved WFS-backend is now migrated for everyone which lets us clean up transport specific code out from Oskari from now on. Note that there's some manual steps that you need to do when upgrading and these are mentioned in https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/blob/master/MigrationGuide.md

We have the new version available on GitHub (https://github.com/oskariorg), Oskari.org Maven repository and on the download link in Oskari.org (https://oskari.org/download). Here's the release notes:

For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/milestone/20?closed=1

  *   Optional 3D-capable mapmodule based on olcesium has been added to Oskari
  *   OpenLayers version has been updated to 6.1.1 (Note! paths with /ol3/ references have been updated to /ol/ and you might need to manually update the main.js of your app. See oskari-server/MigrationGuide for details.)
  *   Added new React-based bundle implementation for layer listing: framework/layerlist
  *   Conditional styling API for vector features has been improved to support ranges etc
  *   New option for MapMoveRequest to animate movement
  *   New request MapTourRequest for programmatically moving the map through multiple places in a "tour like experience"
  *   Performance improvements for vector feature layers
  *   Fixed an issue on vector feature styling where a png-icon became "colored" unintentionally
  *   Fixed an issue for autocomplete search where spinner was left spinning indefinitely
  *   Added new config options for user location tracking (publisher functionality has UI for these to customise embedded maps)
  *   Oskari.urls.getRoute() now supports a parameter object. Domain validation method has been added to Oskari.util.
  *   Added some more russian translations
  *   Other fixes and improvements.

Build & components:

  *   Added oskari-ui alias for Oskari's React/AntD-based UI-component library.
  *   Improved naming for UI-components like Panel -> CollapsePanel to separate it from other types of Panels etc
  *   Introduced a "mutator" concept that is passed to React components via context
  *   Fixes for conflicts between current styles and AntD styles


For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/milestone/19?closed=1

  *   Fixed an issue where cached data was not flushed after changes in permissions
  *   Improved background processing for statistical maps functionality
  *   The forced migration to the new WFS-system has been added (transport is no longer used)
  *   Fixed an issue with filters in the new WFS-system that caused problems with GeoServer stability
  *   Added support for arcs and surface geometries on the new WFS-system
  *   Improved parsing for WFS-services that use mixed geometry types
  *   Reduced logging for WFS-system on common error scenarios
  *   Fixed an issue with user content label styling
  *   Fixed an issue in data provider renaming
  *   Enabled setup-scripts to insert appsetups that can be loaded with id-reference (instead of uuid)
  *   Added a default schedule for background capabilities update worker (so configuring automatic updates as admin actually does something)
  *   Added new action routes to get instance roles, permission types and layers in preparation for new admin functionality

Note! The transport code has not been removed from this release but it hasn't been tested either. If you must and are willing to put in the effort to go around the forced migration you can try using it but know that it will be removed in the near future.

We have some documentation being drafted for using the 3D mapmodule that we will be updating to oskari.org hopefully sooner rather than later and have plans to have a 3D appsetup on the sample-application. These are still work-in-progress but let us know if you are itching to have the third dimension :) We are also looking for 3D-tilesets that we can use for testing and possibly portraying on demo.oskari.org.

Best regards and happy upgrading,

PS. Notes from November PSC-meeting can be found here https://oskariorg.github.io/psc/psc-memo/2019/11/11/PSC_November2019.html - The PSC is currently discussing if we need to have scheduled meetings or use Gitter/Mailing list for news and common things and only have a meeting when it's easier to handle things in a live session.

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