[Oskari-user] Question for merging a breaking change / Release schedule info 1.56 & 2.0

Mäkinen Sami (MML) sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Jun 10 05:58:10 PDT 2020

Hello everyone,

Quick question but some background first:

I've been doing work on updating the new React component library recently added to Oskari frontend to a new version. It has some breaking changes (mainly regarding how icons are used). I've fixed everything regarding this in the oskari-frontend repository, but merging the PR (https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/pull/1302) means that anyone using the next version will need to update any _custom code_ added on top of Oskari-frontend using the AntD icons/components manually. We are targeting releasing 1.56 this month. We are also doing a 2.0 after 1.56 with the purpose of not really changing too much in behaviour but updating the components/libraries like GeoTools, GeoServer and Jetty that will require similar manual steps on the server side for version upgrade (hence 2.0 instead of 1.57).

So the question: do we merge the AntD upgrade for 1.56 OR wait for 2.0? Opinions?

Also: it will be _mandatory_ to upgrade to 2.0 through 1.56 but you can just start the server at 1.56, shut it down after the database migrations have run, deploy 2.0 based app and start the server again. Reason being that we need to upgrade the database migration library that need to be updated to more recent version before updating to the latest. In addition to the usual good reasons for keeping libraries up to date we are upgrading the library because it adds support for Postgres versions above 11.


PS. Updating to the new AntD version means dropping about 500kb worth of code reducing the size of the package the browser needs to load drastically and improving the startup time. The sample app runs at about 4.8megs before the change and 4.3megs after the upgrade.

PPS. You can answer here or comment the PR or chat about this in Gitter. As we are nearing the 1.56 release I would much rather merge this sooner rather than later _IF_ it's not a problem to have this change in 1.56.
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