[Oskari-user] Oskari 2.5 Released!
Mäkinen Sami (MML)
sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Wed Oct 13 08:43:53 PDT 2021
Good news everyone,
We released Oskari 2.5.0 today and it is now available on GitHub (https://github.com/oskariorg) and Oskari.org Maven repository. The sample application package has been updated on the download link in Oskari.org (https://oskari.org/download) and http://download.osgeo.org/oskari/. As always you can take a peek at the latest release at https://demo.oskari.org/.
We have a bunch of changes and fixes in the release including a lot of improvements related to performance and vector feature styling. While not mentioned on the release notes you can also find a completely rewritten version of the content-editor bundle in oskari-frontend-contrib repository. The bundle implementation was not compatible with the changes made in 2.4 but is now back and stronger than before.
Release Notes
For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-frontend/milestone/33?closed=1
Improvements to visual vector style editor
* Added "empty fill" option for area/polygon type geometries.
* Added "butt" option for line-ending options.
* Added pre-defined color selection for easier color picking.
* Area and stroke/line type geometries now have their own controls for line joins. Previously the settings was shared when editing with the React-based visual style editor.
* The new editor is now available for end-users on myplaces layer styling (in addition to layer admin functionality).
Style handling for vector layers
Various changes to style handling implementation like:
* Hover styling implementation changed to improve performance and clarify code.
* Vector features styles definitions are now available through AbstractLayer.getStyles()/getCurrentStyle() with style.getFeatureStyle() instead of separate AbstractLayer.getCurrentStyleDef().
* Moved end-user UI implementation for vector layer styling to new bundle userstyle instead of being built-in to "wfs-support for map" (mapwfs2 bundle). This enables smaller filesize for embedded maps since the UI is not available to end-users on embedded maps. To keep current functionality you should link userstyle bundle import to your geoportal apps: https://github.com/oskariorg/sample-application/pull/17/files
Selected vector features
New service was added for tracking feature selection. Usage:
const service = Oskari.getSandbox().getService('Oskari.mapframework.service.VectorFeatureSelectionService');
// add a feature to current selection
service.addSelectedFeature(layerId, featureId);
// set feature selection for layer replacing current selection
service.setSelectedFeatureIds(layerId, [featureId1, ...featureIdN]);
// remove a feature from current selection
service.removeSelection(layerId, featureId);
// remove all selections from layer
// remove all selections from all layers
// toggle feature selection in current selection (if already selected -> unselect, otherwise mark as selected)
service.toggleFeatureSelection(layerId, featureId);
// get a list of ids for features that are selected
const selectedFeatureIds = service.getSelectedFeatureIdsByLayer (layerId);
Changes to selection trigger WFSFeaturesSelectedEvent like it did before and bundles can react to it like before.
Performance improvements
* Layer coverage data is no longer part of the layer listing. It is fetched separately when a layer is added to the map. This reduces the file size of layer listing by ~75% and improves performance.
* WMTS-layers tile matrix metadata is now provided by the server in JSON-based format and the full capabilities XML is no longer required to be loaded to the frontend. This reduces the amount of data clients need to load and optimizes startup-time and performance.
Layer admin improvements
* When adding layers from service the layers are now sorted alphabetically in addition to being grouped by "type". Where type is "existing" (already registered as layer), "problematic" (might have problems with layer/projection not supported), "available" (these are the ones you probably are most interested in adding).
* Fixed an issue with selecting default style when style name was very long (input was pushed out of view of the user).
Other improvements
* MapModulePlugin.MapLayerUpdateRequest can now be used to force vector layers to refetch the features from service (after for example editing a feature). Previously it was mostly usable for WMS-layers.
* Map legends functionality for end-users on geoportal was rewritten with React (embedded maps version still uses jQuery)
* Fixed GetFeatureInfo displaying for XSLT formatted responses.
* Fixed a visual issue on Firefox with layerlisting.
* layerlist bundle now closes its flyout on UIChangeEvent (when publisher etc functionality is opened by the user).
* Modal-component in oskariui now has styling to keep the window on browser viewport and scroll the modal-window content instead of having a page scrollbar for large contents.
* WMTS-layers can now be forced to use the wrapX boolean toggle for OpenLayers by having { wrapX: true } in the layer options.
* Changed when data is being sanitized for layers. Layer name is no longer sanitized in AbstractLayer.setName(). The UI components showing the name now sanitize the value instead. This might affect application specific extensions to functionalities that rely on the name being sanitized. For jQuery-based UIs this means that you need to call Oskari.util.sanitize(layer.getName()) or use jQuery.text(name) instead of jQuery.append(name). For React-based UI this means that you no longer need to use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to show the layer name properly but can use it as is.
Library updates
* @ant-design/icons 4.2.1 -> 4.6.3
* @storybook/react 5.3.18 -> 6.3.7
* antd 4.8.5 -> 4.16.13
* cesium 1.77 -> 1.84
* dompurify 2.0.10 -> 2.3.1
* intl-messageformat 2.1.0 -> 9.9.1 (now loaded with npm instead of having a copy under libraries)
* Jest 26.0.1 -> 27.0.6
* jQuery 3.5.1 -> 3.6.0
* lodash 4.17.19 -> 4.17.21
* node-sass 4.14.1 -> 6.0.1
* moment 2.24.0 -> 2.29.1
* OpenLayers 6.4.3 -> 6.6.1
* ol-mapbox-style 6.3.1 -> 6.4.1
* olcs 2.12 -> 2.13
* React 16.13 -> 16.14
* Styled-components 5.0.1 -> 5.3.1
Also tested a migration to Webpack 5, but there's some compatibility issues with Cesium and Webpack 5 that prevented the update for now. Also the testing library enzyme doesn't support React 17 yet so couldn't update React further for now.
For a full list of changes see: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-server/milestone/34?closed=1
* Layerlisting response from server has been streamlined and some of the layer metadata has been removed like coverage geometry. The frontend handles this internally by fetching the data when needed instead of having it all in the listing response. This reduces the size of the listing response dramatically and improves performance.
* New action route DescribeLayer that is currently just used for returning coverage geometry for layer when available. There are plans for doing more with this endpoint. Possibly combining it responses from GetWFSLayerFields and GetLayerCapabilities to a single generic endpoint.
* WTMS capabilities are parsed and now stored in JSON format for layers. This enables giving frontend only the tile matrix information it needs for showing the layer for the current projection that is used on the browser. This reduces network traffic and can vastly improve performance for WMTS-services with large capabilities documents. Note! This requires all WMTS-layer capabilities to be refreshed from the server and this is done automatically with an upgrade script as a Flyway-migration.
* The common search functionality no longer overrides a zoom scale hint with generic config IF it has been set by a channel.
* Default style options for printing vector features have been synced with defaults used on the frontend code.
* GetWFSLayerFields route now recognizes WFS attributes of types MultiLineStringPropertyType and MultiSurfacePropertyType as geometries instead of "unknown" type.
* New action route VectorFeatureWriter has been added as a replacement for combining existing routes: InsertFeature, SaveFeature and DeleteFeature. The previous ones have been deprecated for removal at a later version. The new endpoint takes GeoJSON as request payload for the feature to be inserted/updated. This route is used by the content-editor bundle under oskari-frontend-contrib repository.
* Libraries updated:
* Jetty 9.4.39.v20210325 -> 9.4.42.v20210604
* jsoup 1.13.1 -> 1.14.2
* pdfbox 2.0.16 -> 2.0.24
Happy updating,
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