[Oskari-user] Upcoming Oskari 2.10 release / question for migration

Mäkinen Sami sami.makinen at maanmittauslaitos.fi
Fri Jan 20 02:00:37 PST 2023

Good news everyone,

The next Oskari release is currently scheduled for next month (2/23). It includes a massive reworking of the controls (~=buttons) that are on the map and the overall base HTML for Oskari-based apps so we can have the UI be more "responsive" in the future. With the publisher functionality improvements the users have more control over how the buttons/controls look on an embedded map AND the geoportal operator can also leverage theming support for the geoportal to customize it in new ways.

We have a question about how we should proceed with migrations for the 2.10 and I added an issue on GitHub for the discussion: https://github.com/oskariorg/oskari-docs/issues/292

If you have any thoughts on this, let me know. And as always you can check out the preview on: https://dev.oskari.org/

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