[OTT_OSGEO] GIS Day - OSGEO presence

Scott W Mitchell smitch at connect.carleton.ca
Tue Nov 14 10:53:13 EST 2006

Hi, Grahame,

As you may have heard, Carleton faculty may be on strike tomorrow,  
and that includes me.  I am pretty optimistic that it won't happen,  
but there's always the chance that someone slips up and breaks down  

In the case of a strike, I have asked the union for permission to  
cross the picket line and come to the event as an OSGEO volunteer  
(i.e. "not wearing my Carleton faculty hat").  I have not received a  
reply yet, but hope they will allow it - it seems completely  
reasonable to me given the aims of GIS Day, but I don't want them to  
label me as a strike breaker.  The picket line will be letting  
everyone through (probably slowed down as they give out information)  
but of course normally members of the union are not supposed to cross.

If you don't mind coming even if there is a strike, I guess what I'll  
do is leave the materials tonight (brochures and a banner) at the  
main Geography office, Loeb Building B349, with your name on it so  
that you could pick them up even if I'm not allowed across the picket  
line.  Is that OK with you?  I could probably also arrange to get you  
hooked up with a student volunteer to find your way to the right  
place and get set up.

This is all hopefully just a contingency plan that won't have to be  
acted upon, but just in case...


On 7-Nov-06, at 18:48, Grahame Cole wrote:

> Hi ya'll
> I guess I'm the mystery guy that was talking to Dave. I can help  
> out at Carleton before and after but Dave mentioned something was  
> up at Ottawa U. Is the gig (GIS day) at Ottawa U still a go?
> peace
> Grahame
> From: Scott Mitchell <smitch at mac.com>
> Reply-To: users at ottawa.osgeo.org
> To: users at ottawa.osgeo.org
> Subject: [OTT_OSGEO] GIS Day - OSGEO presence
> Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 11:06:59 -0500
> Greetings...
> GIS Day is fast approaching.  I am coordinating an OSGEO presence  
> at  Carleton's event (see http://www.library.carleton.ca/madgic/ 
> maps/ gisweb/GIS_day/GISDay.htm ).  At the last meeting, Dave  
> mentioned  that someone else had expressed interest in helping out,  
> but I've  forgotten the name.  If anyone is interested and  
> available to help  have a presence at the OSGEO table, please let  
> me know.  No specific  qualifications required, just ability to  
> answer any questions about  the general goals of OSGEO, and of  
> course anything relevant about  your personal interest in OSGEO  
> projects.  I will provide brochures  describing OSGEO and its  
> various projects.
> Compensation includes lunch, a parking pass, and of course heaps  
> of  gratitude!  You'll also be able to check out all the other  
> booths and  events.
> Cheers,
> Scott Mitchell
> Scott Mitchell
> smitch at mac.com / Scott_Mitchell at carleton.ca
> Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
> Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Research Laboratory
> Carleton University +1-613-520-2600 x2695
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