[OTT_OSGEO] chamelon-GRASS application site with URL

Sampson, David dsampson at NRCan.gc.ca
Fri Sep 1 11:01:10 EDT 2006


I failed to mention the stats (pie chart icon).....

Good application to show how data can processed and analysed

Again, congrats


-----Original Message-----
From: Sampson, David [mailto:dsampson at NRCan.gc.ca] 
Sent: September 1, 2006 10:53
To: users at ottawa.osgeo.org; GRASS user list; Chameleon Users
Subject: RE: [OTT_OSGEO] chamelon-GRASS application site with URL

Cool, Cool, Cool....

I like it....

I had an issue with popups, but that's normal when you block them....
Worked well in firefox

IS the watershed a pre defined boundarie, or is GRASS running the
r.watersheds and creating it from scratch?  Does this get cached?  Or is
it a predefined watershed boundary?...

The ROI requirement was not clear at first, but trial and error worked
that out.... 

I perosnaly like zoom tools that can draw an extent box instead of a
point and given zoom factor, but that's my preference

Load time and processing time is a little slow, but that's secondary.
I'm assuming that's across the board.

For others that are going to try it out this is the process I tried 1.
load page 2. zoom into an area (mag +) so you can see some individual
pints 3. Chooce the ROI tool (far left icon) 4. draw ROI (if there is
processing of the watersheds then I assume the larger the ROI more
processing time) 5. Select watershed from point (Third from left) 6.
Select a red point inside the ROI (notice the ROI only comes up when you
switch tools and select point) 7. Tri the INFO button to learn more
about each site (7th from left)

So... Cool, I like

What other widgets are connected to GRASS?...

I look forward to the technical docs and seeing more people use it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Massimiliano Cannata [mailto:massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch]
Sent: September 1, 2006 09:41
To: GRASS user list; Chameleon Users; Ottawa OSgeo
Subject: [OTT_OSGEO] chamelon-GRASS application site with URL

Hi all,
I would like to inform you that a demo site is now on-line to see how
GRASS is run trough Chameleon.
For instruction on how to use it, you can click the Help button.

The URL is:

Could you try to check if everything is working and eventually give me a
(It could result not too fast in map loading due to the low hardware
configuration of the server)

As soon as possible I will add a page with more technical details on how
to set up such a link.

and hope to see you in Lausanne.



Dr. Eng. Massimiliano Cannata
Responsabile Area Geomatica
Istituto Scienze della Terra
Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana Via Trevano,
c.p. 72
CH-6952 Canobbio-Lugano
Tel: +41 (0)58 666 62 14
Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09

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