[Ottawa_users] Meeting OSGeo June 19

Fabien Ancelin fabien.ancelin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 05:47:32 PDT 2014

Hello Folks,

I won't be able to make it today. I am in Toronto for business and just
realized the OSGeo meeting is this week, not the other one.

How  many of you are planning to attend tonight? Nobody has joined on
meetup. In the case there is not enough people, we need to make sure we
cancel the meeting on meetup (
http://www.meetup.com/OttawaOSGeo/events/177809142/). Javed, can you deal
with that of no-one plan on attending?

*A quick set of updates :*

1. I have had my hands too full to deal with the geocaching, so if someone
is interested in taking over that task, I will be more than happy.

2. Pertaining with hackathon associated with Envision Geomatics 2014 I am
still struggling with having a list of person big enough to contact. I need
people that will be able to provide a project to the hacker community. So
if you know any person or any organization that will be interested, please
let me know quickly.

Sorry for dropping the ball at last minute. I thought the last meeting was
next week.

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