[Ottawa_users] OGC Vector Tiles Pilot video

Jérôme St-Louis jerstlouis at gmail.com
Thu Nov 15 19:40:26 PST 2018


First many thanks Stefan for teaching us a lot about QField tonight and 
for bringing new enthusiasm for organizing activities sharing and 
teaching about open source GIS software.
We were discussing reaching out to universities in particular to 
organize more occasional events in the coming months, as we missed the 
chance to do much for GIS day this year.

As we were not able to get very good audio visual tonight, those present 
asked for the YouTube link for our video showcasing our participation in 
the OGC Vector Tiles Pilot (and of course those who could not attend can 
check it out!), so here it is:


The OGC Vector Tiles Pilot was an important step paving the way towards 
establishing interoperable vector tiles standards.
The web page for the initiative can be found at 
http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/initiatives/vt-pilot-2018 with 
more videos from other participants.
The Engineering Reports are not published yet, but they should become 
public following the TC meeting in mid-december, and will then be linked 
from that page.

Best regards,


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