Hi Folks,<br><br>It's that time again to plan for our monthly meet up. I have not had time to look into alternative locations due to family/work constraints so we will be again at the Fox & Feather Pub.<br><br>Before getting to the date proposal, I'm thinking that we should try a lighting talk format with 3-4 people talking informally for 5-8 min on whatever crosses your mind with a foss context. I'll volunteer myself to chat bout my ongoing postgis raster work & i do promise any demos shown will work:) <br>
<br><br>I'm proposing February 22nd at 6pm. This is a Wednesday instead of our usually Thursday evening. Booking last months meeting I received some resistance for us to reserve the back booth due to larger crowds expected for Thursdays at the pub.<br>
<br><br>Please let me know what you think about giving a quick talk and the date proposed.<br><br><br>Take care and have a great weekend.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Richard<br><br><a href="mailto:drownedfrog@gmail.com">drownedfrog@gmail.com</a><br>