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<p>Dear OSGeo Ottawa community,</p>
<p>Please join us tomorrow (Thursday, June 21st) for our monthly
meetup at the Fox & Feather on Elgin around 7:00 PM.<br>
<p>Fabien will give a short talk about <b><i>Esri JavaScript API
4.x - Interactions with Open Source technology in the
JavaScript world.</i></b></p>
<p>RSVP for the event on Meetup:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://www.meetup.com/OttawaOSGeo/events/249943780">https://www.meetup.com/OttawaOSGeo/events/249943780</a></p>
<p>Fabien will also briefly talk to us about the GDAL Barn Raising
fundraising which is happening ( <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://gdalbarn.com">http://gdalbarn.com</a> ).<br>
This is addressing some interesting challenges currently faced by
users and of GDAL, PROJ and libgeotiff:</p>
<li>The dreaded ad hoc CSV databases in PROJ_LIB and GDAL_DATA are
frustrating for users, pose challenges for developers, and
impede interoperability of definitions.</li>
<li>GDAL and PROJ are missing OGC WKT2 support.</li>
<li>PROJ 5.0+ no longer requires datum transformation pivots
through WGS84, which can introduce errors of up to 2m, but the
rest of the tools do not take advantage of it.</li>
<p>Also I would like to discuss a quick update on FOSS4G 2018 in
Tanzania (I will be presenting about the Unified Map Service;
anyone else is heading over? That's at the end of August.) and
FOSS4G 2020 (Jeff McKenna and his team are putting up a bid to
host it in Halifax -- <a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://foss4g.ca/">https://foss4g.ca/</a>).</p>
<p>Hoping to see many of you tomorrow despite (or maybe because of)
the nice summer weather.<br>
Seems like it will be sunny tomorrow evening so maybe we could
hang out on the terrace?</p>