[owslibjs] Personal Introduction

Christian Mayer chris at meggsimum.de
Wed Jul 30 08:11:54 PDT 2014

Hi all,

my name is Chris and I am working as a geospatial software engineer. I 
actively support the OpenSource projects GeoExt and SHOGun as core 
developer. For the last couple of years I have been working on and with 
OGC standards in a wide range of fields.

I thinks it is more than overdue to create such an JS-based OWS-Lib and 
I am very happy you kickstarted this. I'd love to be part of it!


Christian Mayer, Dipl.-Ing.(FH)
GIS-Spezialist & Software-Developer
Web: http://www.meggsimum.de
Mail: chris at meggsimum.de

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