[owslib-devel] WMS stuff in feature/wfs100.py

sredl at ccss.cz sredl at ccss.cz
Mon Oct 24 23:49:08 PDT 2011

On Wed, 5 Oct 2011 14:30:27 -0400, Tom Kralidis wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking around the code and I found some WMS stuff in WFS 
>> files.
>> Classes ServiceProvider and ContactMetadata in feature/wfs100.py 
>> look
>> like they are trying to parse WMS 1.3.0 stuff, which is entirely
>> different from what in the WFS 1.0.0 is... May be there is some 
>> more, I
>> haven't checked it entirely.
>> Kind Regards,
>> Michal
> FYI owslib is trying (in it's objects) to follow the OWS Common
> approach to service metadata.  So you might see some shoehorning of
> non OWS Common objects into OWS Common objects.
> Having said this, you are correct, owslib/feature/wfs100.py has
> constructs which are not a part of WFS 1.0.0.  I will make these 
> fixes
> and put forth owslib/feature/wfs110.py as well.
> ..Tom

Hi Tom,

currently I am working on the WFS 1.1.0 implementation and hopefully 
will have something working soon.

You mention "the OWS Common approach to service metadata" - I have 
found some owslib interfaces in interfaces.py file and I am trying to 
follow them. Is there any dedicated standard regarding the OWS common 
approach to service metadata? If yes, could you please point me to that? 
If not, I wonder what do you mean, because reading through various 
standards and their different versions I find that actually they have 
very little in common :-) It's a pity thing though, it makes the whole 
stuff really messy.

Kind Regards,


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