[OWSLib-devel] Pull request

Christopher Eykamp christopher.eykamp at tudor.lu
Wed Aug 6 02:27:11 PDT 2014


I submitted a pull request several weeks ago to address an easily 
replicated crash in OWSLib.

Enter these lines into a new Python session, and you will see the problem:

from  owslib.wps  import  WebProcessingService
wps  =  WebProcessingService("http://geoprocessing.demo.52north.org:8081/wps/WebProcessingService",  version="1.0.0")

The problem is basically the way OWSLib handles the AnyValue attribute 
when reading a WPS DescribeProcess request.  If a server specifies the 
"AnyValue" option OWSLib currently adds the string "AnyValue" to the 
list of acceptable inputs.  This does not work so well when the inputs 
are numeric.

My patch adds a flag that signals whether AnyValue was specified, and no 
longer adds the string "AnyValue" to the list of accepted values.  I 
think this is more correct than the existing behavior.

I would like to resolve this PR (either get it accepted or rejected), 
and would like some input on how to move forward. You can see more 
details here:




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