[OWSLib-users] Help please: python3-OWSLib for virtualenv

Graeme Gummow (G²Sol) graeme.gummow at g2sol.com.au
Sun Sep 27 18:17:07 PDT 2015

I'm having problems trying to install owslib (and for that matter pyproj) into virtualenv/virtualenvwrapper (virtual environment).

I'm building a system based on Python 3.4 (VirtualBox: Xubuntu 14.04) to talk directly to GeoNode on a separate virtual host on the same server via OWSLib.
Geonode is tied to a Python 2.7 virtualenv and my application is tied to a Python 3.4 virtualenv.

The issues are:

·         The standard OSWLib appears to be Python2 while python3-OWSLib seems to be Python 3;

·         Pypi does not appear to provide for pip3 install of python3-OWSLib into a virtualenv;

·         Apt-get python3-OWSLib seems to work from a Debian repository but does not install so that Ubuntu 14.04 virtualenv sees the installed files;

·         Similar problem exist for the dependency 'pyproj' (Python 3 interface to PROJ4);

Can anyone provide me with instructions or advice or point me in the right direction (i.e. install owslib into a Ubuntu 'trusty' python 3 virtualenv).

Graeme Gummow
Principal Consultant/Managing Director
G Squared Solutions
P: +61 3 9752 0550
M: +61 417 157 364

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