[OWSLib-users] Introduction and question

Matthew Winchester mattpwinchester at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 07:19:37 PDT 2016

Hello everyone,

My name is Matthew Winchester and I do GIS remote survey data collection
and analysis. I haven't used any OWS calls before and I was wondering if I
could get an explaination as to what is going on with this Python script I
am running. When the script gets to the line of code:

wcs = WebCoverageService('http://<my web site
here>:8080/Fusion/wcs?REQUEST=GetCapabilities', version='1.1.0')

it gives me the error:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'

at the bottom of the error stack. I am using owslib==0.13.0 and Python 2.7

I am still very new to the concept of WCS so I assume that I am missing
something in the call or way that I use geopython.

Best Regards,

Matt Winchester.
Acadia University
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