[OWSLib-users] OGC time filter on WFS

Laurent Besnard laurent.besnard at utas.edu.au
Tue Apr 9 22:55:01 PDT 2019

Hi there,

I've been searching a bit everywhere in the code/issues ... regarding an OGC time filter capability in OWSLib without any success.

The only way I have managed to achieve this so far was do write some dirty xml in my own code. But I'm sure I'm missing something:

from owslib.fes import PropertyIsGreaterThan

wfs_filter_time = "2019-02-18T03:04:00"
wfs_property_filter_time = 'TIME'
wfs_filter_slevelmax = PropertyIsGreaterThan(propertyname=wfs_property_filter_time,

# since the function feature doesn't seem to exist, have to create the query manually
filterxml_time = '<ogc:{property_filter_type} xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc"><ogc:PropertyName>{wfs_property_filter_time}</ogc:PropertyName>' \
                 '<Function name="dateParse"><Literal>{wfs_date_format}</Literal><ogc:Literal>{wfs_filter_time}</ogc:Literal></Function>' \

Is there some proper way to do the equivalent with OWSLib ?


Laurent Besnard, AODN Project Officer
Private Bag 110, University of Tasmania, IMAS Building, Hobart, 7001 Australia
Email: Laurent.Besnard at utas.edu.au, URL: http://portal.aodn.org.au
Tel 0448 710 476

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