[pal-developer] Fwd: Re: Contact Form | Pal CMS :: Number of
extracted features
Maxence Laurent
maxence.laurent at heig-vd.ch
Mon Jun 28 04:44:14 EDT 2010
We're pleased to see your interest for the PAL Library.
We don't have funds anymore to continue the development, but we're still here to apply patches or to provide support.
About the number of extracted feature, it's the number, for one layer, of distincts objects the library will try to label.
This is not exactlly the number of features in th layer within the extent to label because a feature may be counted twice or more (see attached image)
Please keep us in touch about your work !
Best regards
Maxence Laurent
On 23/06/10 09:32, Vianney Dugrain wrote:
> Hello,
> The National Land Survey of Sweden (Lantmäteriet) is currently
> working on a project which deals with the automatic placement of
> labels, and more specifically with the combination of PAL and
> MapServer, via the MapScript library. I am currently testing this
> combination, on the occasion of a scholar internship. My further work
> will consist in trying to adapt this combination in order to follow
> the common rules of label placement applied on swedish cadastral maps.
> I am a french student of the ENSG (Ecole Nationale des Sciences
> Geographiques) in Marne-la-Vallee. This work is done as part as a 3
> month long internship at the GIS Centre of the University of Lund
> (Sweden). I am sending you this mail to inform you about this work,
> and more of that, I would like to know if you are still working on the
> PAL library, or if this project is considered as done. I may be
> happened to ask you some questions about the code you have
> implemented. My first one would be the following one: One line 689 of
> the pal.cpp file, the number of extracted features is displayed. What
> does this number matches exactly? Thanks in advance for your answer.
> Yours sincerely, Vianney Dugrain
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