[pdal-commits] [PDAL/PDAL] b95f87: Protect min/max against #define in Windows (#2022)

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Mon May 21 06:02:05 PDT 2018

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL
  Commit: b95f870abd960ccd50a360eac90230e400281e11
  Author: Andrew Bell <andrew.bell.ia at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-05-21 (Mon, 21 May 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M cmake/unix_compiler_options.cmake
    M cmake/win32_compiler_options.cmake
    M examples/writing-reader/MyReader.cpp
    M filters/ClusterFilter.cpp
    M filters/DecimationFilter.cpp
    M filters/GreedyProjection.cpp
    M filters/HeadFilter.hpp
    M filters/LOFFilter.cpp
    M filters/LocateFilter.cpp
    M filters/MongusFilter.cpp
    M filters/SMRFilter.cpp
    M filters/TailFilter.hpp
    M filters/private/DimRange.cpp
    M filters/private/pnp/GridPnp.hpp
    M io/BpfHeader.cpp
    M io/BpfReader.cpp
    M io/BpfWriter.cpp
    M io/GDALGrid.cpp
    M io/GDALReader.cpp
    M io/HeaderVal.hpp
    M io/LasHeader.cpp
    M io/LasReader.cpp
    M io/LasWriter.cpp
    M io/LasWriter.hpp
    M io/OptechReader.cpp
    M io/PlyWriter.cpp
    M io/QfitReader.cpp
    M io/TerrasolidReader.cpp
    M pdal/DimUtil.hpp
    M pdal/EigenUtils.cpp
    M pdal/KDIndex.hpp
    M pdal/PDALUtils.cpp
    M pdal/PointLayout.cpp
    M pdal/QuadIndex.cpp
    M pdal/Reader.cpp
    M pdal/Scaling.cpp
    M pdal/compression/LazPerfCompression.cpp
    M pdal/compression/LazPerfVlrCompression.cpp
    M pdal/compression/LzmaCompression.cpp
    M pdal/util/Utils.cpp
    M pdal/util/Utils.hpp
    M plugins/delaunay/filters/Delaunay_psm.cpp
    M plugins/delaunay/filters/Delaunay_psm.h
    M plugins/greyhound/io/bounds.cpp
    M plugins/greyhound/io/bounds.hpp
    M plugins/greyhound/io/point.hpp
    M plugins/icebridge/io/Hdf5Handler.cpp
    M plugins/icebridge/io/IcebridgeReader.cpp
    M plugins/mbio/io/MbReader.cpp
    M plugins/mrsid/io/MrsidReader.cpp
    M plugins/oci/test/OCITest.cpp
    M plugins/pcl/pipeline/PCLPipeline.hpp
    M plugins/rxp/io/RxpPointcloud.cpp
    M plugins/rxp/test/RxpReaderTest.cpp
    M plugins/sqlite/io/SQLiteReader.cpp
    M test/unit/DeflateTest.cpp
    M test/unit/LazPerfTest.cpp
    M test/unit/LzmaTest.cpp
    M test/unit/ZstdTest.cpp
    M test/unit/io/LasWriterTest.cpp
    M tools/lasdump/Lasdump.hpp
    M tools/nitfwrap/NitfWrap.cpp
    M vendor/arbiter/arbiter.cpp
    M vendor/kazhdan/MAT.inl
    M vendor/kazhdan/PoissonRecon.h
    M vendor/kazhdan/point_source/PointSource.h
    M vendor/nanoflann/nanoflann.hpp

  Log Message:
  Protect min/max against #define in Windows (#2022)

* Don't bleed PDAL options into other projects.

* Don't make libraries PDAL needs part of the external link interface.

* Link with util since we haven't installed.

* Remove stray paren.

* Work around Windows min/max mess.

* Parens...

* Parens...

* Parens.

* Add back variable so we don't require boost libraries.

* Remove much boost.

* Guard max for Windows.

* More min/max guard.

* Paren-ify max/min for Windows so as not to bleed into people's code that
uses ours.

* More fixes.

* A couple more...

* Paren-ize max() in MAT.inl.

* And more...

* Laz-perf may not be "minmax" safe.

* More

* min/max guard

* Don't remove paren option.

* A few items caught on review.

      **NOTE:** This service been marked for deprecation: https://developer.github.com/changes/2018-04-25-github-services-deprecation/

      Functionality will be removed from GitHub.com on January 31st, 2019.

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