[pdal-commits] [PDAL/PDAL] bd5cd1: Fix rxp reader (#2228)

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Wed Oct 17 05:37:28 PDT 2018

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL
  Commit: bd5cd19bb6c2c5530269808958772aaa6f8de607
  Author: Pete Gadomski <pete.gadomski at gmail.com>
  Date:   2018-10-17 (Wed, 17 Oct 2018)

  Changed paths:
    M plugins/rxp/io/RxpPointcloud.cpp
    M plugins/rxp/test/RxpReaderTest.cpp

  Log Message:
  Fix rxp reader (#2228)

* Explicitly make comparison numbers unsigned

Without the explicit unsigned, this throws a warning.

* Whitespace

* Add view size test for sync_to_pps=false

We know the size of the view, so might as well check it.

* Use target_count, not targets vector

I don't think I should have ever been using the vector size, but I guess
the vector used to be resized and now (as of 2.5.7) it's not.

* Move idx and return number increments to for line

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