[pdal-commits] [PDAL/PDAL] 98015a: Initial commit of RelaxationDartThrowing and updat...

chambbj noreply at github.com
Thu Aug 20 12:33:37 PDT 2020

  Branch: refs/heads/filters/relaxation-dart-throwing
  Home:   https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL
  Commit: 98015ab3287fc26aa4f4c4aedb8fe574cf80f398
  Author: Bradley J Chambers <brad.chambers at gmail.com>
  Date:   2020-08-20 (Thu, 20 Aug 2020)

  Changed paths:
    M doc/references.rst
    A doc/stages/filters.relaxationdartthrowing.rst
    M doc/stages/filters.sample.rst
    A filters/RelaxationDartThrowing.cpp
    A filters/RelaxationDartThrowing.hpp
    M filters/SampleFilter.cpp
    M filters/SampleFilter.hpp

  Log Message:
  Initial commit of RelaxationDartThrowing and update SampleFilter

Relaxation dart throwing is similar in nature to the Poisson disk
sampling provided by SampleFilter. The key difference is that it will
continue to loop, decreasing the minimum radius at each iteration, until
the desired number of output points is met.

SampleFilter no longer requires Classification dimension. It also adds
the option to shuffle points prior to sampling (the user can seed for
more deterministic behavior, default = on).

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