[pdal] Pipeline XML as primary channel?

Pete Gadomski pete.gadomski at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 20:28:33 EDT 2011


Sorry, I needed to set maxOccurs="unbounded" in for Option elements.
Attached is the updated .xsd


2011/8/18 Pete Gadomski <pete.gadomski at gmail.com>:
> Howard,
> I've attached an .xsd (and a validating .xml) for a possible pipeline
> xml format.
> Cheers,
> Pete
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 15:25, Michael P. Gerlek <mpg at flaxen.com> wrote:
>> If we're going to push the xml a little further, I'd be inclined to relax my
>> initial position that it needed to be read/written via the ptree xml
>> serializer.
>> I had the idea that we could serialize as json, etc, too, but I think it is
>> more important that we have flexible XML reading/writing (such as using
>> attributes and supporting xsd validation and such).
>> -mpg
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Howard Butler [mailto:hobu.inc at gmail.com]
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 2:03 PM
>>> To: mpg at flaxen.com
>>> Cc: 'Pete Gadomski'; pdal at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Subject: Re: [pdal] Pipeline XML as primary channel?
>>> On Aug 17, 2011, at 5:40 PM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
>>> >> `//Filter[@type="filters.reprojection"]` seems cleaner than
>>> >> `//Filter/Type[text()="filters.reprojection"/..`.
>>> >
>>> > Wow, they both just look like so much @$#^@%$//! line noise to me...
>>> > :-)
>>> >
>>> >> * <opinion>Attributes work well for atomic values e.g. driver types
>>> >> and option names.</opinion>
>>> >
>>> > <opinion assertedas="fact">Agreed.</opinion>
>>> >
>>> >> <WriterPipeline>
>>> >>    <Writer type="drivers.oci.writer">
>>> >>        <Option name="debug">true</Option>
>>> >>        <Reader type="drivers.las.reader">
>>> >>            <Option name="filename">in.las</Option>
>>> >>        </Reader>
>>> >>    </Writer>
>>> >> </WriterPipeline>
>>> >
>>> > Yup, that's basically what I had when I started the project -- but
>>> > then I found out that boost::property_tree doesn't serialize to XML
>>> > attrs quite as cleanly as I'd like.  I'm going to revisit that issue
>>> > this afternoon, I think.
>>> I agree that our pipeline XML isn't optimal, and we should move it toward
>>> something sane earlier rather than later.  Pete, when you get some time,
>> can
>>> you help me cook up an XSD that we can use to externally validate our
>>> pipelines?  I'll work to implement it.
>>> Howard=
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